Diaries Magazine

2014 in Review.

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
This year was absolutely insane. Looking back, it's hard to believe everything that happened, actually happened. The beginning of the year seemed to drag on and on, but once we hit the holidays, time started flying by! 
I love to review our year on the blog because it lets me look at the ups and downs, the good and the bad, and see how much we've grown. Here's last years and without further adieu, here's this years :) 
January: Nolan turned 2. We welcomed our baby girl, Paislee Grace. My mom came to visit. 
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
February: I turned 27. Our friends from Drum came to visit. 
March: We celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. Hooah and Hiccups became The Samantha Show :) My cousin came to visit. 
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
April: My SIL came to visit. My parents came to visit for Easter. 
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
May: My brother came to visit. I accepted a job and flew to Chicago for training. Zach left for three weeks of training. 
2014 in review.
June: Zach came home. Zach received orders to deploy. 
July: We headed to Cleveland for summer vacation. Paislee got baptized. We went to Florida for a weekend.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
August: Zach left for a month of training at Fort Stewart. My best friend Allison came to visit.
September: We headed to Fort Stewart to say "see you later" to Zach. He deployed. 
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
October: I resigned from my job. We celebrated Halloween.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
November: My in-laws came to visit. My mom flew to GA and we drove back to Cleveland together. 
December: The kids and I flew back to Georgia, Zach came home early from deployment, we flew to CLE for Christmas. We celebrated the kids' birthdays with our family. 
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
2014 in review.
A whirlwind... but with such a happy ending. I honestly can't thank God enough for bringing Zach home early. I was feeling somewhat lost in Georgia, without my best friend, and stressed out beyond belief. I hated that he had to be away and miss so much. I felt confused on my path in life. I didn't know what I was doing anymore, other than taking it day by day and waking up the next day and doing it all over again. 
But now, it's time for a fresh start. I'm heading home to Georgia, with my love, and we will be able to start all over again. We won't have to fear another deployment or worry about being apart for extended periods of time. Sure, he will probably have to go to schools or trainings and we will spend some time apart, but deployment.. should be out of the question. And that, that enough is enough to make it the happiest new year ever. 
Wishing you all a happy and safe New Years Eve... see you next year! 
2014 in review.

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