Hello! Hoping your festive season was filled with joy and laughter and a bellyful of good food! Thankyou tremendously for reading this year and for supporting the Slow Living monthly link-ups. I feel I have gotten to know you so much better through visiting your pages and sharing in your experiences.
Over the holiday season I took some time out to have a sticky beak over at instagram... and consequently joined. I would love it if we could meet up over there, too! My name is: slowlivingessentials - do hop on over and take a squiz, it's loads of fun and a little addictive!
These days as we unwind from the tightly wound festive calender, I find daughters' friends arriving for sleepovers, a noisy rooster confusing just who exactly are members of his flock, a determined hen adamant to hatch her eggs, and the slower pace of watering vegetables and fruit trees that makes summer so enjoyable. Be well, dear friends. Looking forward to a new and exciting year on the blog! xx