Lifestyle Magazine


By Maddy1704 @unstitchedd
So it's the first day of 2014! I don't want to be that person but I honestly can't quite believe how quickly the last year went by. So much changed for me last year, including starting this little blog so I wanted to say thank you all so much for the support that you have all given me, it's been so much fun and I can't wait to carry on with more exciting things in the future!
I'm hoping that 2014 will be a good year for me, I have some really important things coming up at school including my GCSE's, Duke of Edinburgh and starting AS's so I'm really hoping that I can put the work in and that they will all go well. In addition to that, I really want to put more effort into my blog, making the posts that I publish better and hopefully increasing my readership too because it makes so happy to see people are actually enjoying what I'm writing! 
Last year I saw a couple of people starting these empty jars at the beginning of the year and filling them with notes of good things that happen through the year and then reading it back through to remember everything next New Year's Eve. I thought it was a really lovely idea so I have decided to do one myself this year so that I can remember all the lovely things that have happened, but I've also put some of my resolutions in the bottom of the jar so that when I'm reading through everything in 364 days, I can see whether I have actually completed it. 
Hopefully, I will have done! What are your New Year's resolutions? Have you ever done one of these jars? 

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