Diaries Magazine

2013; a Year in Review.

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
I can't believe we're staring 2014 in the face; when Zach left in September, I never thought I'd make it here alive! But here I am, 9 months pregnant and ready to embark on a new chapter of our lives. 
It's been quite the year; we've had Zach home for over half of it which is rare in the military! We've lived in three different states, spent four months apart, and many more exciting things. 
As I reflect on the past year, all I can think about is how blessed I am. Although it's been a rough past few months, a deployment was the alternative and I am so thankful he did not have to leave again. 
SO here's what our past year looked like:
January: Nolan turned 1! We headed back to NY after vacation in CLE. 
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included One Word, Why, and Trust. 
February: I turned 26. My in-laws came to visit.
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included God is great, beer is good, and people are CRAZY, Modern mama style, and I now pronounce you, unfriended. 
March: My best friend from high school came to visit. We celebrated our two year wedding anniversary. We went home to Ohio for Easter.
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included The week I almost lost both of my boys, No Luke Bryan, you shake it for me, and 2 years ago today, I married my best friend. 
April: Nolan started Parent and Tot swim lessons and we enjoyed some spring weather in upstate New York!
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included When being the bigger person it's worth it, Spouse disagreements and how to handle them, and ...those who matter, don't mind. 
May: My parents and college roommate came to visit. We took a trip to visit my in-laws in Texas. We also learned we were expecting our second miracle :) 
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included Precious moments, Home is..., and A facelift, a meltdown, and needing your advice. 
June: We announced our pregnancy to the world :) 
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included Mistresses=not cool, Bubba has a big secret, and Mean. 
July: We vacationed in Ohio and Outer Banks, North Carolina. We also found out that we were expecting a baby girl!
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included Comparing ourselves, It won't be like this for long, and Why I'm excited to move to Georgia. 
August: We moved out of our first home in Fort Drum, New York. We had our maternity shoot early since Z would be leaving. 
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included Goodbye, New York, Doing the right thing, and 6 tips on how to dress for a better "you". 
September: Zach left for training in Missouri; Nolan and I moved in with my parents. 
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included A mother's love, To not wishing time away, and We did it again. 
October: Nolan and I flew to St. Louis for a weekend with Zach. 
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included The ghost of Halloweens past, Parents judging parents, and A fierce love. 
November: Zach came home for Thanksgiving. 
2013; a year in review.
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included 5 ways to keep the romance alive from a distance, Will my heart grow two sizes with two babies?, and Marriage. 
December: We welcomed Zach back home, prepared for our move to GA and the arrival of baby girl. 
2013; a year in review.
Some of my favorite posts included I've been a bad blogger, Push presents, and Are you excited for the new baby?
Which brings us back to today. Although our next few steps are still kind of uncertain while we await the arrival of Miss P, our support system has been unbelievable. The ups and downs of military life are something that not only we've had to adapt to, but our families as well. Dropping everything and rearranging their lives to help us out are things that we don't expect them to do, but they do it anyways. And for that, we couldn't be more thankful. 
We can't wait to see what 2014 will bring; a new house, a new baby, some changes to the blog, and more. 
While going through my posts from the past year, I realized that I accepted a lot more sponsored posts and review posts than I would have liked to. I want to look back on my blog and see stories about our lives, my passions, and the "hiccups" along the way. In 2014, I'm going to try and refocus on those things, the things that make me happy, and get back to a place where I want to be. 
Wishing you all a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year! Posts will continue as normal for the rest of the week, in which I will be taking a little break until we move and the baby comes. Be sure not to forget about me and check Instagram and Twitter for updates! 
2013; a year in review.
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