- UK Exclusive - Google Affiliate Network is here - So far, it's hard to tell what impact (if any) it has had on the affiliate market?
- Google Lead Generation - Sign-Ups from the search results page rather than click traffic - One to watch and was the inspiration for this Econsultancy article by Justin Rees asking Is Google selling Leads in the UK
- Lead Generation Marketing: Time for ROI to kill off CPA - Short-term CPA obsessions are clouding marketers long-term ROI views
- Don't Marry Your Leads - Get Engaged First - Don't sell to a prospect with one foot in the door!
- PPC Advertising is Dead... - Search is becoming more display, maps, video and data collection driven which means new search advertising models are springing up. Yahoo recently launched cost per lead (CPL) search
- Performance Agency v's Performance Network - Agency's do Network's, like Network's do Agency's. The lines are becoming blurred as network trading platforms and agency planning and media services become common to both sectors.
Happy New Year