Entertainment Magazine

20 YEARS AGO: Eels - My Descent Into Madness

Posted on the 08 December 2018 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
Another helping from one of 1998's finest albums. Mark Everett (aka E) wrote the bleak and brilliant second Eels album Electro Shock Blues, following his sister's suicide and his mother's battle with terminal lung cancer. Many of the record's songs deal with his response to their passing and coming to terms with suddenly becoming the only living member of the Everett family (until the birth of his son Archie a few years ago).
The wondrous 'My Descent Into Madness' comes as a welcome relief and change of mood from the LP's darker opening tracks, almost like 'Novocaine For The Soul''s dreamy distant relative, floating by peacefully on gentle drum patterns and exquisite orchestral samples. Read a review and appraisal of 'Electro Shock Blues' HERE.
The most recent Eels album 'The Deconstruction' was released earlier this year.

20 YEARS AGO: Eels - My Descent Into Madness

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