1. I am a self-proclaimed planner addict. There has not been an entire year where I have used the same planner all 12 months. I just LOVE brand new planners.
2. Clearly #1 indicates that I am extremely type-A. I'm a planner + organizer through and through. What is spontaneity?
3. A day rarely goes by when I only have 1 cup of coffee (my usual is 2).
4. I am obsessed with dogs. Obsessed. I thought about starting a shelter or becoming a vet, but I don't think I could handle seeing so many dogs hurt. I would never stop crying. I have 2 pits and they are my babies.
5. My motto - monogram ALL THE THINGS (you can thank Meg for that one).
6. I am an avid reader. Always have been and I hope that I always will be. There truly is nothing like getting lost in the pages of a good book.
7. I don't watch much TV but there are 2 shows that I love: Gilmore Girls (#TeamLogan)
+ Parenthood (shhh I still haven't watched the last season - when will it be on Netflix?!)
8. I'm currently in school pursuing a second bachelor's degree in communications sciences and disorders so that I can go on to grad school for speech-language pathology (I know I don't NEED to get a second bachelor's degree to do this but my first GPA...yeah, not so much).
9. There is rarely a time when there is not a candle burning in my house. I feel like they make a place so much more cozy + inviting.
10. I'm married to my high school sweetheart, Adam. We've been dating for almost 9 years (on November 10!) and married for a year and a half. He still manages to give me ALL the feels. I love that man with all that I am!
11. I'm a certified personal trainer and working out is my ME time. I usually workout 6 days a week. I don't see it as a chore, though. I crave my sweat sessions.
12. Having unpainted nails and/or toenails gives me anxiety.
13. I also can't NOT have earrings in.
14. My Grandma (we call her Toy) is my best friend. She is the sassiest 70-something you will ever meet and I wouldn't change her for the world.
15. I have 3 tattoos. And every time I get one I say, "This is definitely my last one." Yeah, okay.
16. My favorite color is turquoise.
17. I love being outside. There's just something about fresh air that's good for the soul. Although, I could do without the Florida humidity.
18. Drink of choice: champagne.
19. Decorating (as in my house) is a stress reliever for me. Making a space feel cozy + pretty makes my heart happy.
20. A life goal of mine is to write a novel. I've wanted to do that since I was a little girl.
Can you relate to any of these? Am I the only one with some of these weird quirks orrrr?
xo, Jesslovelylittlethingsblog.com