There is no limit to our sexual appetite. We would try and impregnate every woman in the world if we could. If we had the means we would have sex with a new woman everyday for the rest of our lives. Like hunger, sexual desire can never be fulfilled.
Sure, you get a few hour break after and orgasm, but then you are hungry again. On the prowl. Even if prowling just means more internet porn.
Of course it would never make us happy anyway. There is no answer to this problem. You can't fix this. It's like saying you can figure out how to never be hungry again. Like saying, yeah I had a few good meals but now I am done. I got eating out of my system.
Whether you are getting any or not - there is no relaxing - no fulfillment. So you can't win the game when it comes to sex needs. How much is enough?
Your body doesn't give a fuck about your long term happiness. Only that you keep doing things to pass on your genes. Your brain may reward you in the short term with a pleasure chemical spike, but that's it pal.
And then there is the issue of affection which doesn't require variety. For some only purity. There is a way to win that game. It's hard though. You need to love yourself first and be really good at understanding women and attraction.
Yo haters. Are you mad that you are always attracted and aroused? Do you hate that feeling that sidetracks you everyday. Or are you angry at the object making you attracted and aroused everyday - women?
Why are we jealous of people that have things we know aren't making them happy. It's crazy. Despite the fact we know all the cars, women and money isn't making them happy (they are depressed and addicted to drugs) we are still jealous. We still want to be them.