Guys, hard as it may be to believe, winter is over. It’s actually been spring for sometime now, and while most parts of the country are still keeping their winter boots and woolen coats handy, there are signs of spring in the air. Even if the blossoms haven’t come to your neighborhood yet, everyone knows that the fastest way to make spring actually is arrive is by stubbornly not accepting that it’s still cold outside. The weather may be gray, but in your heart you know it’s really green out! We’ve put together a little mix to help you remember that it is actually almost warm…even if Mother Nature is being a finicky bitch.
1) Kim and Jessie – M83
The sprawling, teenage-like nature of Saturdays = Youth just feels like the month before school lets out. It was warm, and instead of going to class you sat on the soccer field and talked with your friends about your big plans for the future. How did those plans work out for you? Splendidly, I’m sure. (PS, that was sarcastic…and so was the explanation of that being sarcastic).
2) April Come She Will – Simon and Garfunkel
With the sweet, plucking guitar and the soft downey voice of Art Garfunkel, this song just sounds like walking through parks when the trees are in full bloom. Also, it has the word “April” in it, and as we are all hopefully aware, April is a month of spring.
3) Month of May – Arcade Fire
Yes, I am going for another song that happens to have a title with the name of a spring month. You can take your dour attitude all the way back to wintertime mister, no one wants your eye-rolling here.
4) Wings – Haerts
Here’s a track with literally nothing to do with springtime, apart from the fact that it makes me want to drive in a convertible with the top down, which is something that is only really fun to do in spring. In summer it’s too hot and you just need the air conditioner. Take it from me, I’m a certified riding-in-convertibles expert.
5) Sunday Morning – The Velvet Underground
Another thing that’s only super awesome in springtime is eating a nice breakfast of berries and crème near some open French windows — for which this song is the perfect soundtrack. Or, I would assume it is, for sadly I am not an expert on consuming berries and crème breakfasts whilst sitting next to some casual French windows.
6) Spring Break – Atlas Sound
Back to the literal tracks!
7) Lazuli – Beach House
Not only does this song sound very spring-esque, with its light but not overwhelming sunniness, it also is off the album Bloom. Spring is when things bloom. I’m so clever.
8) In The Flowers – Animal Collective
Sounds that sound like the buzzing of bugs! A twinkling melody that feels like the exhilaration of running around fields of flowers! A title that is evocative of spring! I can go on like this, but I think we are all getting a little exhausted.
9) Lemonade – Braids
Listen, there are only two seasons when you can drink lemonade. They both start with ‘s’ but only one ends in ‘ing.’
10) Go Outside – Cults
You have been trapped inside for so long, it’s been torture. Venture outside for the first time in what feels like an eternity and see if you can remember what all the fuss is about.
11) Tulip – Here We Go Magic
You know what blooms in the spring? That’s right, tulips! Very good.
12) Bennie and the Jets – Elton John
Two reasons for why this song made our spring playlist. The first reason is because it’s awesome and no one should ever have to justify the addition of Elton John to anything, ever. The second reason is for the lyric “the spotlight’s hitting something that’s been known to change the weather.” Cause, you know, weather changes in the spring.
13) Simple and Sure – Pains of Being Pure at Heart
Something about the overwhelming tween-ness of Pains of Being Pure of Heart just is spring. I mean, it’s the auditory equivalent of a pretty gingham dress. Not a bad thing at all, for I absolutely adore this track.
14) Screen Door – Uncle Tupelo
All the best things about summer start in the spring. Things like being warm, drinking iced coffee, enjoying your grandmother’s harmonica-playing on the porch. That’s why we love spring most of all.
15) Avant Gardener – Courtney Barnett
We’ve talked a lot about the great things about spring, like flowers and blooming things. You know what we haven’t talked about? Crippling allergies that make it impossible for people to do things like breath and open their eyes. That happens guys, it happens a lot, and Courtney is gonna tell you ALL about it.