The Count Of Monte Cristo (2002)
This is a movie about a man who loses everything in his life, end up in jail for a crime he didn’t commit and still manages to keep hope alive. It’s a classic revenge story with a hell of a kick.
The Pursuit of Happyness

The real-life story of Chris Gardner is an inspiration to us all. It will help you realize that your problems are nothing compared to what this guy went through to put his life back together. I hate to admit but I actually cried a little bit when watching the movie for the first time.

Don’t we all wish there was a quick way to make a ton of money. Limitless is one of those guilty-pleasure movies that makes you wonder “what if?”. I actually lost count how many times I’ve seen this film.
Hector and the Search for Happiness

Sometimes we think that our lives are so boring and have no meaning. Hector is a psychiatrist who used to think that way and he makes it his mission to break out of his comfort zone and find what Happiness is really about.
Fight Club

I’m not going to break the first rule of Fight Club. So instead of talking about it, I’ll tell you that if you want to be someone, first look inside yourself.

Scarface is not only my favorite Al Pacino movie, but also one of the filmes I’ve seen dozens of times. The movie is about a guy named Tony Montana, who comes to America with nothing but his wit, build an empire, become mad with power, and then loses it all.
Moral of the story: You might think that you can be happy after getting rich and having a lot of power, but the truth is it never works that way.
Into The Wild

Into the Wild is another movie based on a real-life story. It’s about a guy who abandon his materialistic life to persue a life of freedom and happiness. The movie may seem to have a sad ending, but in the end he does find what he was looking for.
Rush (2013)

I know what you’re thinking: why is there a F1 racing movie in an inspirational movie list, right? Well, that’s what I thought at first too. But I actually saw the movie about 9 times since then. This is not just a movie about rivalry or winning races, it’s also about a couple of guys who bets big, takes risks to persue their dreams.
Jobs (2013)

This is not a story about Steve Jobs, instead it’s about how he built the Apple company, then lost it, and how he won it back again. While critics may hate the biopic, it’s really not a bad movie at all.
Race (2016)

The story about the four-time Olympic gold medalist, Jesse Owens, is quite inspirational.
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty

Some critics called it the “new Forrest Gump” and the best “Ben Stiller” movie so far. But most of all, this is a movie about an ordinary guy who lives a boring 9-to-5 life and finally learns to take risks and find happiness in his life.
The Terminal (2004)

Imagine being trapped inside an airport without being able to step outside for a second. You might go insane, right? Viktor Navorski faces the same situation and learns to make the most of it. This Steven Spielberg directed Tom Hanks movie is a masterpiece.
Wanted (2008)

If you can find the Wanted comic book published by Top Cow, go read it instead. But the movie wasn’t too bad either. This is yet another movie about a guy who lives a horrible life and finally learns to say “F**k It” and go live a life he never even dreamed of.
The Social Network (2010)

Don’t we all wish we had invented Facebook? The true story behind the world’s biggest social network is not as glamorous as we had thought. This is the story about Mark Zuckerberg and how he screwed up his friends on the way to building a billion-dollar empire.
Know any other awesome movies? Leave a comment and let me know.
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Follow @nrjperera – Roshan Jerad Perera