
13 Reasons Why Season 3: Fans Are Convinced Tony Padilla Killed Bryce Walker After Christian Navarro’s Mysterious Instagram Post

Posted on the 23 September 2019 by Jitender Sharma

The season three of the secondary school arrangement dependent on tormenting is simply nearly arriving now. We will find every one of our solutions soon, however, the fans appear to be too inquisitive to even think about evening hang tight for several days for the tension to unwind.

It is very obvious from the most recent trailer that Bryce Walker is currently dead, unequivocally.

The primary inquiry is, all things considered, who slaughtered Hannah’s attacker that simply made her stroll over the edge and end it all.

Hannah referenced Bryce Walker in one of her tapes and told everybody that Bryce assaulted her. It was one of the thirteen reasons why she ended it all.

13 Reasons Why Season 3: Fans Are Convinced Tony Padilla Killed Bryce Walker After Christian Navarro's Mysterious Instagram Post
13 Reasons Why Season 3: Fans Are Convinced Tony Padilla Killed Bryce Walker After Christian Navarro’s Mysterious Instagram Post

Presently, returning to season three, the entertainers appear to prod fans by giving inconspicuous clues about the new season. Something comparative was finished by Christian Navarro who plays Tony Padilla, neighbor and companion to Hannah Baker, whom she trusted with the tapes. Christian posted an image on Instagram subtitled, ‘S4 is certifiably not a mystery anymore. Be that as it may, season 3 has a couple of insider facts you’re going to wanna unwind. August 23rd. Is my hair blonde? Dark? Do I have hair? Have I at any point had hair? All will be uncovered.’

The image was of Tony Padilla a.k.a Christian Navarro himself with blonde hair. This is actually what caused fans to estimate if Tony is the person who murdered off Bryce for Hannah.

Certain fan hypotheses propose that Tony either went to jail and turned out with changed appearance to get away from the antagonism. Another hypothesis is that Tony is on the pursued submitting Bryce Walker’s homicide and he is on the run. He colored his hair to mask himself as another person to escape from the police.

Be that as it may, we didn’t any further indication on what is to occur and who is the killer.

The season three drops on August 23rd on Netflix. That is the place we will discover every one of our answers.

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