TV & Video Magazine

12/7: Quopic of the Day

Posted on the 08 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Today’s Quopic of the Day is a 2-4-1 since we didn’t post a Quopic yesterday! It’s brought to you by the Word of the Day from the Yahoo! Dictionary!

The Word of the Day is: acrimonious

Definition: biting, harsh, caustic

In this Quopic, we’re going to focus on Sookie for a change, since she personifies biting, harsh and caustic in both the show and in the books.

Here is a perfect example;

12/7: Quopic of the Day

“Besides, I’m hoping that the more you see me, the more I’ll grow on you.”
“Like a fungus?”
He laughed, but his eyes were fixed on me in a way that meant business. Oh, hell.

~Book 2, Living Dead in Dallas

As you may remember in season 2, this quote was slightly changed on the show. Instead of Sookie saying, “like a fungus”. She said, “I’d rather have cancer.” Then, proceeded to slap him upside the head.

Either way, Eric didn’t seemed bothered by Sookie’s reaction or her biting and harsh words. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it. I’m sure it was because he admired her spunk and passionate nature.

In a way, they are a lot alike. They both say harsh, biting words that are extremely caustic. Eric has been known to be almost harshly, cruelly blunt. Sookie is the same way, as shown in the Quopic above.

I call this a match made in heaven.

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