Family Magazine

12 Reasons The Single Life Rocks

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum


12 Reasons The Single Life Rocks


Relationships end, some frizzle out, some where never meant to be, whatever the reason for the breakup, it hurts. Some are ready to get back in that saddle quicker than others, Some prefer the single life and why not?

Other than feeling lonely, not having someone to come home too at the end of a long day there are many reasons to stay single and enjoy it.

I asked the mums on my mums group for their reasons to love the single life, here is what they told me;

  1. No man moaning at you
  2. You only have to clean up after yourself
  3. You can eat what you want, when you want
  4. The freedom
  5. Having nobody to answer too
  6. Being able to watch what ever you please on the T.V
  7. No stinky farts
  8. No toilet seat to put down
  9. You can have the whole bed to yourself
  10. You can flirt without feeling guilty
  11. You get more time to spend with your friends
  12. You have more money for yourself

Feel free to add to our list – Your reasons to love the single life are?

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