Today’s Quopic of the Day was inspired by…oh, who freakin’ cares? LOL Quite frankly, I had a very bad day at work today. If anyone works in a place with a lot of drama…you know what I went through. Of course, I’m always caught in the middle because I keep myself out of it because I have enough drama with Eric & Sookie! LOL
Anyways…I hope today’s Quopic of the Day cheers you up – like it does me!
Figured we’d go back in time for this one…because it was in Season 3, when True Blood was actually good for us, Eric & Sookie Lovers!
Ready or not…here it comes!
Check out the Quopic of the Day for November 7th below!
Somehow, ‘ewww‘…isn’t what I think of when I see this kiss – unlike Sookie. I always find Eric and Sookie’s fantasies about each other very revealing! Whenever I watch them, I get the sense that both of them are looking for something special in each other, they wouldn’t find with anyone else!What are your thoughts? Share ‘em below!