Today’s (tonight’s) Quopic of the Day is brought to you by the Word of the Day from The Free Dictionary!
Word of the Day is: immoblilize
Definition: to hold fast or prevent from moving
Synonyms: pin, trap
We have the perfect gif for this one! Hope you like it!
Here’s the Quopic of the Day for November 29th!
This must have been so agonizing to watch for Sookie!
Eric is not only chained to a post with silver chains, but he’s on fire too! Talk about being immobilized!
If only this scene hadn’t ended so anti-climatically. Sookie seeing Gran was great, until Gran opened her mouth. Gran was the person who made Sookie decide to be on her own, when I personally wish Sookie would have come to this realization on her own…or choose Eric, of course!
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