It's one of the worst feelings in the world: one moment your phone is safely in your hands and the other moment it's lying face down on the concrete floor or in the water. You pick it up hoping nothing has happened to it but rest of the case we all know very well. Let's look at some lifehacks to save your phone.
Make your life easy with some of the life hacks that can save your phone life. There we go:
Save your water damaged cell phone using rice. All you need to do is to first soak your phone with the tissue and then remove its battery, sim card and dry each part very carefully. Finish it by keeping your phone in the rice bag for a minimum period of 1-week at least.
Save Screen Scratches Using Toothpaste
This is one of the most popular internet hacks that is used to get rid of the scratches on the mobile phone. All you need is one toothpaste and apply it on your screen and wipe it off after some time. This one is definitely a big-time lifehacks to save your phone.
P.S -Make sure you use the white paste variety.
Smartphone Case Using Balloon
If you do not have the case close at hand and have one balloon with you then you can definitely use this trick. first, inflate air in the balloon approx half to the maximum volume and then squeeze the phone into the balloon. Your favorite color phone case is ready.
Use Battery Instead Of Stylus
A battery is considered as an excellent alternative to Stylus. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that you need to use the negative side of the battery to use it for the phone. So worry not this time when you go missing with your stylus with this lifehacks to save your phone.
Tripod Using Tape and Rubberbands
Yes, this works. If now you are bored with the selfies or recording your own videos then using just these two items you can make your own "tripod" and go for group photos or recording. Use wide scotch tape, place the phone on it and secure it with rubber bands.
Clean Ports Using Syringe
Blow air into the ports to clean it from dust and dirt. It doesn't create a difference but still, we can use it to remove a little bit of dirt. Phones like One Plus, iPhones & Oppo have really minute ports and get clogged easily this syringe would be your ultimate weapon for deep cleaning them all.
Phone stand Using Paperclip
With the use of paperclip, now we can easily watch videos without the fear that phone will fall down. The smartphone fits on the unfolded paperclip very perfectly and hence will save your phone from any damage. This is my personal favorite lifehacks to save your phone when I go lazy nuts in winters and still crave for few videos.
Mini Lamp Using Eggshell
All you need to do is to get one egg and break it and put the yellow part on the screen of the mobile phone and the egg cover on the flashlight of the phone.
It will create a pleasant lighting.
Take Picture Using Earphone Button
This works like the charm. Plug in your earphones, switch on the camera and just by clicking on the earphone button click as many pictures as you want and feel happy. I know this came as a surprise to many but a pretty accessible one- right!
why ? This can be done if you are wearing gloves and your screen is not responding or you do not want to take any risk with your phone screen. This life hacks works, and you don't need to take your gloves off while answering any call or replying any texts.
Make Magnifying Glass With A Drop Of Water
This works but you have to be really careful as the drop trembles tremendously and can fall anytime and that is why one needs to be very careful while placing a drop on the smartphone's camera. Wait a minute and then look at the text on your notebook through your camera.
Tell us which lifehacks to save your phone you liked and comment if you have few to share with us!
Source- Brightside
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