I recently had an interview and photoshoot at my house for 11 Honore'
You can read the article HERE.
I don't work with too many brandsbecause I have chosen not to be branded'an Influence'but rather I want to view my self as 'an encourager'
Life can be hard on us all at one time or anotherso I think finding all the joy and beauty along the way is important.
That being saidevery once in a while a brand comes along that really resonates with me.
11 Honore'is one of those brands.
11 Honoré is a size-inclusive shopping site that for the first time ever, gives more women the option to experience the best designer clothing and celebrate and honor their bodies, beauty and style.

The shoot was a fun collaborate effortwith a great photographer, assistant and hair and makeup!What a true luxury it was to work with such a quality team!

I sure did enjoy the help of the team to make me look good!It was a powerful moment for me in this Praba Gurung dresstoasting to 'This is 60!'
Clothes have always been an important part of my self expression.They can convey my mood.Sometimes they can be a positive armor of self protection.Other times simply fun and joyful.
During the shoot it made my heart happyto truly realizeclotheswill continue to be important playersin my life no matter my age.
The best outfits will always be ones that add energy and confidence to my day!

One of my favorite parts of the interviewwas some of the thought provoking questions I was asked.
Like "What was it about my blog that I found gratifying?
That for me is an easy one.
My favorite part of my personal blogis definitely the community of so many fabulous womanall over the world that I have met.The community that we have all built.
I have witnessed the strength of so many womanwho have navigated life's stormswith grace and dignity through the years.
Which in turn gave me a strength to dig deeperand keep my head highwhen I have had to navigate my own storms.
When life is hardit is all too easy to feel alone in the strugglesSometimes just knowing life can be hard on us all at different timescan ease the aloneness.
And seeing others rise aboveand come back strongerpaves the way for ourselves to do so.

My blog has given me a personal spaceto share joy, beauty and creativity.
It has given a personal spaceto share my voiceduringgood times andthe hard times.
I have chosen to be transparenthere on my blog.I don't just share the pretty outfits, rooms and travelsparties and celebrations
I have shared the hard times tooin the hopes that mine can be an encouragement to othersas others have been to me.

I started my blog when my daughter left for collegenot having the slightest clueas to what I was going to do in my next phaseafter completely devoting myself to raising my three.
I started by simply taking pictures of things I found beautiful.Putting attentionon what I found beautifulbegan to ignite creativity.
It was with tiny stepsplus intentionthat I began to find my way back to my own self.
It was my blog that began the catalyst.

In my transparency here on my blogI have also shared about a family estrangementa marriage infidelityand my own struggles with mental health.
I have also been fortunate to share the joyous family occasionslike all the excitement of my daughters engagement and weddingas well as my son's wedding last yearand now our wonderful new granddaughter!!
I have done a series on"Write the blog you want to Read"in an attempt to encourage othersto find all of the wonderful giftschoosing to blog have given me.

And how remarkable is itthat a simple interview questioncan make you stopand really take the time to realizenot only how gratifying my blog is to me ....

But to also be reignited is my own purpose for my blog.
My purpose here
is to encourage.~~~Encourage to take the time to valueandcare for yourself.
To encourage that hard times can be gotten throughand if your intention is rightyou can come out the other side all the better and stronger for it.
I want to encouragethat getting olderhas it's own wonderful gifts.
I want to encouragethat these days can be the best days.
I want to encourage to slow down and take the time to see everyday beautyand savor and enjoy each and every joy that comes along.
In the day of the influencerI want to be an encourager.
~~My own struggles with mental healthhave made me realizewe can all use love filled encouragement.

So I hope when you visit hereyou leaveencouragedto savor and enjoy your own life.
Realizing there are peaks and valleys for us all to travelbut we can still find all the beauty there is along the way!

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life
You can find my
11 Honore' Interview