Yes, that's the amount of times I had to scan, clean up, place squarely within the page and save in psd, JPeg and finally Pdf...as that's how Amazon want it. Making us suffer is a 'thing' for them...or so it sometimes feels.
Actually it was really 202 times.
Why? Simple, because I lost around ten years of work from my hard drive when it crashed and burned. This involved everything I had done, up to and including the scanned and cleaned up pages for my new book, 101 uses for a Dead Mother-in-Law. And no, I didn't back it all up. Why? Because I am a numpty. And that's how 101 pages turned into 202.
And all this in a month that had me writing and illustrating a corporate Christmas Children's book---more about that on a further post---a range of twenty Christmas cards---also more about that on another post---plus two caricatures, one of Frank Bruno, the brief world heavyweight champion boxer---while the other was a private gift for a retirement present, and yes, you've guessed it: more on that in another post---and on top of all this I had to write, draw and color a dozen or so cartoons including my Facelessbook cartoon, NoodlePates and chase a variety of computer experts who all made valiant efforts to retrieve my files. All so far have fought the good fight, but sadly retired to their respective corners to admit defeat.

And that wasn't the end of the pain. Oh no it wasn't. I then had to re do the front and back cover---the inside and end pages, with all the legal bumph--- plus find the typefaces I had originally used, and subsequently lost when my hard drive went south of the border without leaving a forwarding address, while replying to the many heartfelt messages from oodles and oodles of Facelessbook friends who never tire of calling me anything from a silly ass to...well, a lot worse.
I wont repeat it because its not only an accurate assessment of my mind, but certain words may upset Auntie Google. And we don't want to upset Auntie Google do we, no sirree. Auntie Google can do things to your ratings that'll bring tears to your eyes.
Enough with the Auntie Google.
Anyway, the upshot of all this baloney is, the book is completed, posted to Amazon---after having ran their own personal gauntlet of techno pain and agony---and today it all goes live. So if you have any compassion in your bones, or your soul was touched on any level by this heart wrenching, tear jerking tale, then please run over to Amazon and get yourself a copy of this highly entertaining read.
If nothing your purchase will help foot my mounting techy costs and therapy bills.
What, you still need convincing? After all that? Oh okay, here's a selection of what you can expect from 101 uses for a Dead Mother-in-Law.
Enjoy my friends.

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