Society Magazine

100 Huge Years Ago Today--Celebrating Progress, Working for More

Posted on the 04 June 2019 by Morage @kebmebms

First, the good news.
Image result for 19th amendment
19th Amendment Guaranteeing Women the Right to Vote was Passed 100 Years Ago Today
Yes sir, 100 years ago today, June 4, 1919, the 19th Amendment, giving women of the United States the right to vote was passed. Great as that was, it's sad it had to take that long but at least they got it done.
Now the bad news.
Women still aren't equal. No way are they equal, as we know. Check out just some of the facts.

Women Still Don’t Make as Much Money as Men

And then there are Neanderthals out there in the world, still spewing this ugliness, inequity and nonsense like this. I found this today, accidentally, in a search.

Why Women Don’t Deserve Equal Pay

And this:

Why women don’t need to earn the same as men

And this, from, of course, a Republican:

GOP Lawmaker Says Women Don't Deserve Equal Pay

The entire Republican Party, supporting the already-wealthy and corporations, of course, not the people, have voted down equal pay for women and repeatedly. The following was from 2008.

Senate GOP blocks Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Bill

This was from 2012.

Senate Republicans Block Pay Equity Bill

This was 2014:

Senate Republicans Block Bill on Equal Pay

Senate Republicans reject equal pay bill

This took place this year.
187 Republicans Vote Against Bill to Close the Gender Wage Gap
Also this year. Not only are Republicans against women being paid fairly, justly and equally with men, they're also against keeping women safer.
House Republicans, at NRA's Urging, Vote Against Violence Against Women Act
So sure, let's celebrate this 100 year old breakthrough, sure, definitely.
But let's work to get more of them, needed ones, soon as possible.
It reminds me of the protest sign for women I saw some time ago.
Image result for i can't believe i still have to protest this

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