Google Street View is one of the most useful tools on the Internet, which allows us to travel almost any place in the world, using nothing but a computer. Thanks to Google’s fast and improving updating systems like Trekker, Street View now have sightings of hundreds of amazing places from all around the world. While capturing these amazing places, Google mapping team often captures some strange and funny things, unintentionally of course. Now, these are some of those weirdest and funniest things ever seen on Google Street View.
You’re in the wrong territory

Look it’s a bird.. It’s a plane.. It’s a what?

This guy heading home to have some fun..

This man trying to recycle his head..

WTF is that?

F**K you Street View..

Just a guy carrying a sniper rifle.

Did I just go back in time?

Just don’t tell their mom

The Sheep went that way..

A Bloody Murder

This was captured on Google Maps and made a huge fuss all over the Internet a while back, saying a bloody murder was captured on Google maps. Well, later on some folks pointed out that it could also be a wet dog running around in a wooden floor. The mystery still remains.
[Via: Mashable / College Humor]
(All the images, trademarks, logo’s shown on this post are the property of their respective owners)
Roshan Jerad Perera