Social traffic is best way to get more sales and revenue on your products and services. There are hundreds of social sites to get increase traffic on your website like Facebook, twitter Goolge plus, Tumblr, instagram, pinterest and more. High quality images and creative tag lines are the easiest way to get more traffic. For me pinterest is one of the best way I have found to grow my blog and business and it generates OVER 50 PERCENT of the traffic to my site. It’s time for another post on how to grow your blog traffic via Pinterest!
Tips To increase your Pinterest Traffic
1. Create a Pin – Eye Catching words more actionable title like “Must see”, “the Best”, “not to be missed” is inspire urgency and excitement for readers.
2. Make a Giant Image – HD and large image is more actionable, your pinterest image should be around 800 x 1200px. High quality image and fantastic, action-oriented post title in the right choice to promote business on pinterest.
3. Less text – Breathing space is must for every design, less and informative text makes your pinterest more creative and actionable.
4. Call to Action – Your images text and title must be actionable, don’t forget call to action words in the title and description tag of pinterest.
5. Pinterest in Red – Red is the most catchy and actionable color and Did you know, red-toned images are clicked and pinned more often than blue images? Also lighter images will receive more pins than dark images as well as images with a few dominant colors.
6. Photos are more clickable than Graphics – This is the best social research that Photos have more pinable rather than graphics. Always use your original clicks.
7. Title Tag – Make sure every bloggers knows the importance of title, description and alt tags. Adding relevant keywords helps it show up on Pinterest as well as on search engines. That’s SEO working for ya!
8. Join other board – Groups, community on other social sites always helps to increase valuable traffic. Join relevant group board of larger audience. You can find boards to join through other pinners in your niche, on, or create your own.
9. Schedule you pins – How to schedule pins? I know this is the next question in your mind, join secret pinning weapon –TailWind, which allows me to schedule pins all at once and huge time saver.
10. Share button on blog post - Display share buttons only on blog post pages, So people can easily share favorite pins.