For us mere mortals, here are 10 things we ALL think on Mondays.
1 - The day after tomorrow is Wednesday and that means it's only 2 days until FRIDAY!
2 - If Susan from public relations says 'I love Mondays' one more time, I'm going to eat her.
3 - I'm going to start eating healthily tomorrow. Right after I've eaten Susan.
4 - Maybe I should just phone in sick tomorrow...
5 - Coffee my friend. If you didn't make me shake or give me palpitations, I would marry you.
6 - Maybe I'll just buy a dress or something to cheer me up. HELLO ASOS!
7 - I spent HOW MUCH on Friday night!? #DrunkHollyIsTooGenerous
8 - What can I eat?
9 - WHERE ARE MY SHOES? Oh, there they are, under the 'mound' from the Weekend that I need to sort out when Monday EVENTUALLY F's Off.
10 - YES! I didn't watch RHOBH at the weekend so I have one to catch up on tonight :D
Tell the truth, you've all had these thoughts!
What did I miss out? I'm writing this on a Monday and right now numbers 6 and 8 are getting me through the day.
H x