Religion Magazine

10 Things to Remember: The Meaning Of Life

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
  The meaning of life
  1. Money is a medium, and not a spiritual end.
  2. What looks like something bad can be turned to good by God.
  3. Some things are meant to be a mystery to the human mind.
  4. The happiest people are not those whose lives are the easiest.
  5. You are more fulfilled when you do more than try to fit in with others.
  6. Seemingly little daily decisions add up over time.
  7. No matter what you do you will eventually die.
  8. Most major religions believe in a Judgment Day.
  9. There can be meaning in things all around you, if you pay attention.
  10. There is more than this life and you were created for it.

10 Things to remember: The Meaning Of Life

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