Diaries Magazine

10 Eye-Popping Labor Day Stats | Mother Jones

By Chelseajmartin
10 Eye-Popping Labor Day Stats | Mother Jones:


25.3 million Americans: The true size of the unemployment crisis. This figure includes people who are out of work, forced to work part-time, or unable to find a full-time job, as well as those who want to work but have given up searching for a job in the past month, most likely out of frustration.

6.9 million jobs: How many fewer jobs there are today than in December 2007.

0.22 jobs: The number of jobs out there for every person looking for work. (In other words, there’s 1 job for every 4.5 job seekers.) This stat underlies all those stories of fruitless job searches as well as the historic long-term unemployment level. 

43%: The percentage of jobless workers who haven’t pulled a steady paycheck in more than six months. That’s 6 million workers. [more]

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