TV & Video Magazine

10 Eric & Sookie Lovin’ New Year’s Resolutions

Posted on the 27 December 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

256px-True_Blood_2008_logo.svgIt’s that time of year when Christmas is over and the year 2012 is drawing to a close…we remember what happened during the year and look forward to what’s going to happen in 2013. The Inside True Blood Blog shared their 10 New Year’s resolutions which were inspired by True Blood Season 5. Feel free to check them out here!

After I read them, I thought we should do the same. Ours were inspired by the most common New Year’s resolutions, but with an Eric and Sookie twist! You can read our revised New Year’s Resolutions below…

Top 10 Eric & Sookie Lovin’ New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. 51j0L6FzznL._SL500_AA300_
    “I will watch less television and extend reading habits”
    – the perfect way we can achieve this is by reading Dead Ever After by Charlaine Harris when it comes out in May!
  2. 1
    “I will spend more time with my family” –
    now that Eric Northman is a “grandpa” and we’ve met his “sister”, there are more ways we can achieve this goal. If only Nora will stop trying to eat Sookie…
  3. alexander-skarsgard-calvin-klein
    “I shall shop only when required”
    – watching Alex in the CK Encounter commercials “requires” that I purchase this fragrance – if only so my significant other will smell like him. But be careful…you don’t want to end up looking like Pam in her Walmart sweatsuit.
  4. tumblr_m9mr97lG7Z1qbj99lo1_500
    “I shall eat timely”
    – you can kill two birds with one stone. You can get some revenge you’ve been seeking for over a 1,000 years AND you can save the love of your life at the same time. Just remember to clean up after yourself when you’re done.
  5. tb_1095
    “I shall adopt a pet”
    – who wouldn’t want a cute puppy like Emma (unless you’re allergic to dogs)? Just make sure you have the mother’s permission first and don’t give the pet to somebody who runs away at the first sign of trouble; like Steve Newlin.
  6. tb_0296
    “I shall start up a new business”
    – word has it, the iStake could catch on with app users everywhere worldwide. It might be a great investment…especially if you use Eric as the spokesmodel. Just remember to take the stake out of it before you put it on him.
  7. tb_0750
    “I will not bore my boss by with the same excuse for taking leaves. I will think of some more excuses.”
    – as we know Sookie rarely works at Merlotte’s. Maybe she needs some new and better excuses, or maybe she should quit and start working at Fangtasia instead?
  8. 181183_10151285042388356_1171654710_n
    “I will say no to fast foods and colas.”
    – we could add; stay out of NOLA too (unless under the influence of Lilith’s blood) where all bets are off. You better hope you have someone like Godric who will help you see the light.
  9. tumblr_lp88qrYQsN1qcc6u2o1_500
    “I will lose weight and stay in shape.”
    – exercises include; outdoor picnic, rug burn, and ride a striking Viking. Not sure what those exercises entail? Then you need to go back and watch True Blood season 4 again.
  10. tb_1567
    “I will sort through my things and do some spring cleaning in my house.”
    – starting with this goo on the floor…anyone got a wet shop vac?

What do you think? Are these better than Gianna’s over at ITBB?

Those are some of our New Year’s Resolutions for 2013! You could probably think of some more for us too. If you have any you’d like to add…feel free to share them in the comments below!

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