Have you ever wanted to change the color of your Facebook feed? Or block the trackers to protect your privacy? Or get rid of all the junk on your feed to reduce clutter? Then you've come to the right place.
In this post, we're featuring 10 useful Google Chrome extensions you can use to do all that and more to supercharge your Facebook browsing experience. Let's get started.
1. Facebook Demetricator

Many people tend to get depressed by the number of friends, likes, and comments they get. It leads them to think that they are inferior to the people who get tons of likes and comments. Facebook Demetricator solves this problem by removing numbers from the interface. This add-on removes your dependence and depression caused by these numbers. It shows "people like this" from "20 people like this". This removes the number of friends and the number of comments you received.
2. Social Fixer

Social Fixer has many features which enhances your Facebook experience. It allows you to control as you can customize the appearance using CSS rules. It filters the news feed and subscriptions. You can hide them by author, keyword, or application. Moreover, it gets updated automatically. Social Fixer hides ads (sponsored stories) and politics, thus removing the political junk from the news feed. It identifies and shows you the keywords in the picture whenever you hover over it. It hides the posts already viewed and parts of the page you are disinterested in. It exposes the messages which Facebook has hidden. It allows you to remain on the "most recent" view. it also provides stealth mode and tips to change the settings
3. Privacy Badger

Third-party trackers continuously track you on Facebook. Privacy Badger tops this by blocking the third-party trackers. This add-on almost helps you to go incognito with respect to the trackers. Hence, the advertiser is unable to find you. This allows the user to be in control of who gets to know about their activities on Facebook.
4. F.B. Purity

Fluff Busting (F.B.) Purity enhances the Facebook experience by eliminating clutter and cleaning the junk. It hides newsfeed, Ads, games, suggested posts, related articles, trending topics, upcoming events, and more from. It allows you to disable autoplay videos. It also Allows you to stay on the "most recent" newsfeed and sort notifications. It blocks posts by allowing you to customize by keywords. F.B. Purity filters image contents. It Notifies you if you get "unfriended." It lets you customize the newsfeed, background color, and font. It Hides the offline friends in chat and chat interface. it Automatically removes recent logins from the login screen
5. Photo Zoom for Facebook

If you want to check any shrunk photo, a group of images, or profile picture on Facebook, you need to click on it. It then opens in a new window or a new lightbox. This is a very tedious process. Photo Zoom for Facebook lets you view the picture without clicking on it, and I use it regularly to save time. It opens the image the moment you hover over it and thus circumventing the process of clicking.
6. Facebook Flat

Facebook Flat gives a complete makeover to the Facebook's vanilla look. It provides new designs by adding design and extravagant colors. It Increases the readability of the content. It Notifies you who "unfriended" you. It contains shortcuts to useful links on the left-side navigation bar. It blocks Facebook ads and also suggests viral news, which I love. It minimizes the number of clicks required to jump from one page to another and provides a superior user experience
7. Facebook Invite All

This is a one-stop solution whenever you want to invite multiple contacts on Facebook. If you're going to invite your friends and family to like a new page, you can just send an invitation to all of them on one go by clicking Facebook Invite All. You can also use this to know how many of your contacts are attending an event that you have created on Facebook.
8. Detox

Facebook can be addictive and can hamper your productivity to a great extent. It is tempting to use it even while you're working or studying and can cause a huge distraction and waste of time. Detox for Facebook replaces Facebook with the useful informational feed from specific useful and inspirational sites. You can even customize it by scheduling what time and day do you need the feed.
9. DownAlbum

You cannot download an entire album from Facebook. Instead, you can use DownAlbum to do the work for you. It lets you download the entire album to your hard drive. It does so either as separate photos or as a zip file.
10. Unseen For Facebook

You are constantly under pressure to reply to the person who has messaged you since the other person can see your if you have seen the message. Even if you choose to ignore the message, the sender can still see when were you online last. Facebook chat privacy and Facebook chat seen blocker solves this issue by allowing you to block the last "seen" and allowing you to read the message without the sender's awareness. You can even disable the "... is typing".
So these were some of the Facebook extension you must try to increase your Facebook experience.
Go ahead and try them.
Let me know in the comment section your favorite facebook extension.
About the author:Ravi Verma is an online marketer at Logicsofts and is constantly looking to enhance end users' experience. He creates functional and practical applications that help to improve people's online browsing experience.