Hair & Beauty Magazine

10 Best Toddler Books

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
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good toddler books
BabyCakes LOVES reading and the whole family enjoys our nightly book time before bed. I think we have some of the best books for toddlers. She particularly loves books with flaps, repetitive phrases and books that rhyme. We've gotten to the point that she will request the specific book she wants without even looking at her book shelf. This kid knows what she's in the mood for. Here are her 10 most requested toddler books and some notes on what makes a good toddler book.
you're tutu cute book

You're Tutu Cute

This book is really cute. It's ballet themed and a very short read. It has a flap on each page and the little phrases are easily memorable. Each page references an action so this is a good book to incorporate movement into while reading. (BUY)
good night thomas book

Good Night, Thomas 

I should preface this with the fact that although the book says it glows in the dark, I have not found that to be true. Despite this, BabyCakes loves this book because she loves Thomas the Train. This is a good book for Thomas lovers, it also ends with Thomas going to sleep which I like. I find that it's easier to go from book time to bed time when the bedtime book has to do with going to bed. (BUY)
the very busy spider book

The Very Busy Spider

This is a classic children's book. BabyCakes calls it, and any other spider, The Itsy Bitsy Spider. This is a favorite because it utilizes animal sounds, which we love, and a repetitive phrase. I've found repetitive phrases help toddlers focus better on a book. They are paying attention as they anticipate saying the phrase each time. (BUY)
duck and goose find a pumpkin book

Duck & Goose Find a Pumpkin

This book is short, sweet, and cute. I purchased it this fall as a way to introduce pumpkins to BabyCakes ahead of Halloween and our trip to the pumpkin patch. I think it worked well for introducing her to pumpkins, and she loves reading along. There is actually a whole series of Duck & Goose books. I plan on picking up a few more. (BUY)
dear zoo book

Dear Zoo

This is another win in both the animal department and the flap department. The phrasing of the book allows for your child to identify each animal throughout the story which is great. It also contains repetitive phrasing. (BUY)
giraffes can't dance book

Giraffes Can't Dance

This is a new edition to our toddler library. Hubs got it for BabyCakes for Christmas. It is a really cute story about being unique. This is one of the longest books we have. I'd say it is a good start if you are looking to get your toddler engaged in a longer book. (BUY)
goodnight moon

Goodnight Moon

This is a classic children's book. It's been around for 60+ years. It is a really simple book. Something about it is really calming which makes it a great bedtime book. It ends with a series of goodnights which is perfect to end the day with. (BUY)
toes, ears, and nose book

Toes, Ears, & Nose

This book is GREAT at teaching body parts. I credit us using this book to BabyCakes being able to identify most of her body parts. It also has flaps which keep her engaged. I would not recommend letting your toddler play with this book without supervision as it can be quite easy to pull off some of the flaps. Ours is patched up with some tape lol (BUY)
brown bear, brown bear book

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

This is another classic children's book. My niece had it when she was small so I put it on our baby registry once we were pregnant because I remembered how much she liked it. It reinforces both animals and colors. The same creators also produced Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?, which we also have, that features all endangered animals. (BUY)
the going to bed book

The Going to Bed Book

This is a really good night time book. It goes through some bedtime activities like brushing your teeth and putting on your pajamas. Its short and sweet, and rhymes. It's one of my favorite choices for pre-bed reading. (BUY)
best toddler books
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