Let's see the best augmented reality (AR) examples and trends in the modern age. The pandemic and the current rising cases have caused the entire world to come to a halt. Plus, the increased use of technology and the advancement in tech has really spiked ever since the beginning of the pandemic. it shows no signs of slowing down.
Since market leaders such as Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon have been utilizing commercial use of tech, augmented technology has gained popularity in 2020. Several sources have given an approximation of the AR technology to be worth $13.5 billion which makes it even more interesting for people to explore the different trends which drive the augmented realty market forward at such a great force.
10 AR Trends to Look Out for in 2021
Here are a few examples and trends to look at for AR technology:
Imroz Mansuri is a game director, entrepreneur, artist and award recipient and is presently game director and creator of the windstar games. As a game director, he has worked on more than 75 games and contributed, including they have worked on multiple types of games. We are creating the games in many technology and we are best in unity 3D game.