Wednesday, August 23, 2017 @ 7:16AM
Good morning
I’m finally back again! But, not for too long. Today we’ll be going to Ohio. I will then of course, post this message after we return.@ 7:43AM Whoops forgot we had other things we had to slip in … like getting medicine AND having breakfast with Rich. Man … I thought I was spacy, but then like … meet Rich! Hehe
So, anyway, we’re back again … AND getting into a faster typing mode. We had things listed yesterday that we wanted to get done today, and then Rich was saying that we had things to do today – THAT’s never good … so, we asked pointedly, what did WE have to do … and he said he’d be giving me things all day, and then WE were like WHOA! That’s not going to happen, we have our own list. And, then he said well, just insert my things on your list … like HEY RICH! Not going to happen our list is full AND we got our new computer and Internet now … Just not going to happen!
But, by then he went back to his office, and now we’re at ours and … well, that’s about as far as we want to go with all that! Oh, I know … I wanted to get an idea of how many pages, and how we were going to get all that information we hand wrote from Saturday to yesterday afternoon – TO the blog.
Purple – 21 pages – Saturday, 8-19-17 (11 pages flat)
Aqua – 11 pages – Monday, 8-21-7 (7 pages flat)
Pink – 18 pages – Monday, 8-21-17 (cont.) (10 pages flat)
Black – 24 pages – Tuesday, 8-22-17 (13 pages flat)
So, we must take total pictures of 41 shots. YIKES! We are going to put the Aqua and Pink together, so that means three different blog entries, plus the one today. Being without a computer sucked, but having the ability to hand write A LOT … well that helped an extreme amount, so we shouldn’t complain.
We’ve been asking ourselves if there isn’t a better way to do it. You know … other, then to take 41 pictures. And, what that means for our readers to have to stumble through our writing. But, I don’t think it’s going to be possible. Wait … let me look back to the last time we did a blog entry of just pictures. I want to see how terrible it would be. Thinking at the same time the only other way to do it would be to type things out. I’m thinking that would take a long time and most likely it would take a couple of dedicated days. The ambition for that is low, especially as time marches on and we’ll be away from our computer for two and a half days starting this afternoon.
OMG! Rich just came in looking beleaguered. He said, he doesn’t even have his head wrapped around how he would do it, but at the meeting with his customer tomorrow in Ohio, they want on the agenda to talk about him doing what he is doing, but nationally. Oh, my f****** G**. That would be something. But maybe way out of his range, but how proud of him I am. Thinking, he wanted to retire in five or six years? That might be on the top of his agenda. Hehe then there is this narcissistic thing happening in my head. We’re thinking we could go all over the country with him. But, then we think, he would have to be flying to get that much coverage. Ok, now we’re at the point of thinking we’d be the one bringing him to the airport and kissing him as he zooms around. Hehe … I wish he were ten to twenty years younger.
Ok, ok … slow down. I told him this is a BIG thing – imagine big arm movement here. I said this was the type of thing that people talk about in the car for six hours hehe. Let’s let it soak in gradually. Then the next thought is that we don’t want to be his secretary, because, we’ve got our own dreams, but maybe he could hire someone? If he were getting that kind of money, he’d want someone very good. I’d prefer he get a male assistant Hehehe … we don’t want him on the road THAT much, and we’d want not to think of another important woman in his life. Yes, we are that little. We’d get used to it … we’ve gotten used to sharing him with a Mom, daughter, and ex, right? Lord! This is cool.
OK … way down now girls! This is Rich’s baby. We’re going to cut off our thoughts, and see where he can progress his. It would be his path. His star! So, gosh darn proud of him!!!
Ok, where were we? I should read up … hold on. Laughing now … all we were doing was counting pages we wanted to take pictures of … probably can be done in a half hour. We should look at that one other time we buried an entry in pictures. Sorry about this, but hold on again. Good Rich!
Ok, two lessons learned from looking at those snapshots. It is better to do the horizontal pictures of two pages than the perpendicular picture with one page, AND secondly, it is better not to do their version (camera/Evernote) where it frames the picture for you and automatically snaps the shot. On the first note, when you take the horizontal page, it comes in much bigger and it’s MUCH easier to read, and then on the second note, the auto-pictures are too white and smear the writing image. Ok,
this helps. We’re a little more confident … and the picture of the double page horizontal … It is a fine picture and very easy to read/turn pages. I like it too from the perspective it is MORE real of the time that we were writing and there are small nuances, in that you can read perceptively of when we’re getting tired, excited, etc. Or, basically, if reading close to the print – you can see parts changes, hehe, or for that matter, when my pen gives up the ship. We’re good then.
Might as well do that then, right? Nothing to stop us? And, then we could read things over in the car when we’re not checking Rich for conversation on Nationalizing hehe – how great would that be!
Shoot, forgot the phone was in a strange place last night – left on the bedroom dresser. AND, it didn’t get charged. Ok, it is plugged in now – pictures later. That was also an easy decision. Moving on.
@ 1:28PM We’re back again. We’ve been busy between lunch and packing. I guess I can count on it being about 1 ½ hours – there was about an hour for lunch. Not sure if I made that exact. Better count on packing to be 2 hours. SOOO, everything is done on both Rich and our ends. I will go to the bathroom one more time, and let out the dog, but other than that – just grab my phone and bag. Phone is STILL charging! At least it was before taking my shower. We’re still planning to leave at 2PM, so we figure, we’ll make some popcorn on the way out the door. Maybe put it in before Dakota goes out. Rich is eating lunch right now.
So, what is next? Not vacuuming and mopping the floor today. It was out the door after, we found how necessary the computer was to us – ESPECIALLY, before leaving it for a LONG while AGAIN!