Exodus 2:11-3:22, Mathew 17:10-27,
Psalm 22:1-18, and Proverbs 5:7-14
Ladies, pay close attention to how a brother in Christ interacts and treat women in general. Moses was a gentleman and demonstrated it by protecting the 7 sisters from the shepherds and providing them with water for their animals. Watch for signs that shows whether a male is a gentleman or a jerk. Now we know that "wanna be players" will do nice things to get your attention too like open the door, etc. So nice gestures are not the only thing to look for when observing a man's character. However, pay close attention if the brother seems to lack chivalry; i.e opening the doors, pulling out the chair, or putting up the umbrella to protect you from the rain. A male with chivalry could indicate that the brother at least has some "home training." On the other hand, a brother who lacks chivalry may need more time in "man" school to learn how to treat and value a woman. It's so much better to trust God and wait for a man of God than to rush off and marry a boy! SELAH