Genesis 46:1-47:31, Matthew 15:1-28,
Psalm 19:1-14 and Proverbs 4:14-19
How bad do you want it? The gentile woman had no legal right to ask Jesus Christ to heal her daughter. At that time, He was only sent to the Jews and only His death would open the door for all mankind to have a personal relationship with God. Glory Hallelujah because now we can openly go to our father God for whatever we have need of..... but have you given up on the promises of God because it seems like its just not happening. My sister, be ye not discouraged! Get even the more closer to our Lord Jesus Christ and put that devil in his place (under your feet) through daily declaring God's word and promises as you live a life of faith and purity. VICTORY is ours for the having in Christ Jesus!!!!!
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