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This brand new English Language A level course will be examined for the first time in June 7567 and replaces our old English A level course. For an overview of changes to A levels please see our A level changes page.
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The module explores the history of the Western novel's development since Don Quixote by focusing on representative landmarks of 'realism' and later modernist and postmodernist novels. We investigate a number of theoretical problems including those of narrative voice and strategy and of mimesis in the novel. Major texts might typically include: Cervantes, 'Don Quixote' Austen, 'Emma' Balzac, 'Père Goriot' Flaubert, 'Madame Bovary' Kafka, 'The Trial' Proust, 'Swann's Way' Calvino, 'If on a Winter's Night a Traveller'.
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As a department we're interested in a field of enquiry that extends from Old English to 76st-century literatures in English, French, Spanish and Italian. So you can study texts and films across a variety of periods and genres.
This module covers the period from the closing of the frontier in America to the eve of the Second World War a period that saw both mass immigration and the growth of urban centres, the crash of 6979 and the onslaught of the Great Depression. Through a selection of poetry and fiction, the module traces some of the major themes of the period, such as: the literary and cultural move from Naturalism to Modernism the Harlem Renaissance Cubism and Avant Garde Aesthetics Expatriate Writers and the cult of the Lost Generation Regionalism Documentarism and Photography and the emergence of an American poetic vernacular. The module takes some account of the relation of the visual arts, photography and cinema to literature of the period.
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