Family Magazine

When Should I Call a Lactation Consultant?

By Hemapriya Natesan @MyLittleMoppet

December 16, 2020 Leave a Comment

Breastfeeding is beautiful yet challenging. But should I call a lactation consultant? Read on to know more about consulting a lactation expert.

Breastfeeding comes with its fair share of challenges. While new parents understand the importance of providing breast milk to our little ones, overcoming these issues can seem like an overwhelming task. That’s where a board-certified virtual lactation consultation comes in.

With the help of a lactation specialist, you can not only battle your breastfeeding difficulties, but you can go on to have a positive and fulfilling breastfeeding experience.

The question is: how do you know if these experts can help treat your problem?

Thankfully, there’s a ton of great information available about the different ways online lactation counseling can help.

What is a Lactation Consultant?

Breastfeeding is beautiful yet challenging. But should I call a lactation consultant? Read on to know more about consulting a lactation expert.
Breastfeeding is beautiful yet challenging. But should I call a lactation consultant? Read on to know more about consulting a lactation expert.

When many expectant mothers are mulling over the various feeding options for their little ones, they often consider “giving breastfeeding a try.”

What many of these prospective parents don’t understand, however, is that breastfeeding isn’t usually easy. It takes time, effort, and dedication to make the experience a success—it often also requires the help of a qualified breastfeeding expert. This individual is known as a lactation consultant.

They will help you evaluate your nursing problems and come up with a plan to fix them. Many hospitals have lactation specialists on staff to speak with new parents after the delivery of their baby. If not, your hospital, doctor, or your baby’s pediatrician can assist you in finding someone qualified to help.

While any individual can turn to a lactation specialist just for encouragement during their breastfeeding journey, it’s more likely moms will use a lactation specialist to help them overcome particular problems.

When Should I Visit a Lactation Consultant?

Breastfeeding is beautiful yet challenging. But should I call a lactation consultant? Read on to know more about consulting a lactation expert.
Breastfeeding is beautiful yet challenging. But should I call a lactation consultant? Read on to know more about consulting a lactation expert.

Breastfeeding difficulties are not one-size-fits-all. What one individual struggles with another might find simple, and vice versa. With this in mind, it is worth noting several common issues which are frequently seen throughout the breastfeeding community.

Poor Latch

In evaluating possible problems while learning to nurse your baby, poor latching is one of the most common. If you’re noticing your nipples are especially raw and damaged after nursing, a professional consultant can help you adjust the latch and your position or hold for a more comfortable experience.

Low Milk Supply

As you begin your breastfeeding journey, your doctor will go over a series of indicators to help you determine whether your little one is getting enough milk. These often include watching their weight gain, energy levels, and the number of dirty diapers they have during the day.

If you’re struggling with low milk supply, a lactation specialist can help you find a solution, such as taking certain lactation supplement products.

Tongue Ties

Occasionally, when a baby is born they will have what’s known as a tongue-tie. This condition refers to a restriction of motion with the tongue due to an exceptionally tight, thick, or short band of tissue connected to the bottom of the baby’s mouth.

Not only can this condition make nursing difficult, but it can cause speech problems later on. A qualified lactation consultant can help you determine whether there’s a need to have your child’s tongue-tie surgically corrected.

Baby Colic

Have you started noticing an uncomfortable spell during the evenings where your baby is inconsolable? This could be a case of baby colic. While many colic bouts can be attributed to general fussiness or being over-tired, others might be caused by tummy troubles.

A breastfeeding expert can help you identify whether your little one is suffering from a digestive issue. If it’s suspected they are, your consultant can work with you to develop a plan for dietary changes which might help, such as restricting the amount of caffeine or dairy you’re consuming.


If the time has come for you to end your breastfeeding journey, a lactation professional can help you figure out how to safely wean your baby. When done incorrectly, weaning can lead to uncomfortable problems, such as engorgement or mastitis.

Schedule a COVID-Friendly Online Lactation Counseling Appointment

Breastfeeding is beautiful yet challenging. But should I call a lactation consultant? Read on to know more about consulting a lactation expert.
Breastfeeding is beautiful yet challenging. But should I call a lactation consultant? Read on to know more about consulting a lactation expert.

In these unorthodox times we’re living in, going to any doctor or appointment can be stressful. Thankfully, the MamaNatal community is here to help.

We believe any new parent who’s struggling with breastfeeding deserves access to the best care possible. That’s why we’re proud to offer a panel of breastfeeding experts who are readily available to speak with you via phone or online.

Don’t let troubles like a tongue-tie, baby colic, or low milk supply keep you from having the breastfeeding experience you deserve. A qualified lactation consultant is here to guide you through your nursing journey and help pave the road ahead.

Breastfeeding is beautiful yet challenging. But should I call a lactation consultant? Read on to know more about consulting a lactation expert.
Breastfeeding is beautiful yet challenging. But should I call a lactation consultant? Read on to know more about consulting a lactation expert.


The MamaNatal Community for New and Expecting Moms is a safe place to connect and share experiences about the journey into motherhood. It’s currently moderated by MamaNatal’s certified lactation and sleep consultants to ensure questions and concerns are answered by experts.


Filed Under: Baby, Breastfeeding, Lactation, Moms Tagged With: breast, breast is best, breastfeeding, lactation, lactation enhancer, Moms, new moms

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