Healthy Living Magazine

What is Whey Protein | Benefits | Best Place to Buy It From

By Fitness Yodha

What is Whey Protein

Whey protein is the English name of buttermilk protein. It is a terminology that is often used frequently in the world of sports, both in training and in competition, especially in those related to bodybuilding.

This protein complex is obtained from cow's milk during the process in which this food is transformed into cheese, since on the one hand the solid ingredients of the milk are obtained, forming the mass of the cheese, especially the fat and casein and, on the other hand, whey is obtained, which is a liquid very rich in globular proteins(lactalbumin, serum albumin, etc.). This serum contains hardly anything more than a protein solution in water.

What is Whey Protein | Benefits | Best Place to Buy It From
This protein is of good quality or high biological value, which means that it contains all the components called essential amino acids, that is, essential for life, which the body is not capable of synthesizing from other precursor components and necessarily needs to take from Exterior. For this same reason, this protein is also classified as complete. 

In general, high-quality protein, with an excellent ratio of essential amino acids and good assimilation by our body, is albumin or the protein with the highest presence in eggs, specifically in egg white. Based on the quality of this protein, a list is made to compare the better or worse quality of the rest of the proteins. Well, according to this ranking, whey protein is among the highest on this list of protein tops. 

The main function of proteins, including globular ones, the main components of whey protein, is the formation of tissues for the growth and recovery of organs in the body. It is as if proteins were the building blocks of our bodies. This is known as a structural or plastic function.

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How and when to take Whey protein

Taking whey protein supplements is indicated for athletes who train with a medium/high-intensity level and who are not able to regain or increase their muscle mass with a well-adapted and personalized oral diet. Bodybuilding, athletics, weights…, are the disciplines in which this protein supplementation is most appropriate.

What is Whey Protein | Benefits | Best Place to Buy It From
The most suitable time to consume whey protein supplements seems to be immediately after the practice of physical exercise. At this point is when the athletes' muscles have suffered the most, and are more susceptible to incorporating new components into their structure. There are also authors who believe that taking this protein in part throughout the day improves its effectiveness as it is deposited in a more gradual manner in the muscle, although they agree that one of the intakes is done after exercise so that muscle recovery is greater and faster.

However, we must never forget that it is a supplement and that it is included in a daily diet and activity expenditure. By this, we mean that it is possible that all the necessary nutrients for perfect sports practice and the best possible performance are already obtained from food. Only when this does not happen, is when the taking of this supplement can be recommended.

What is Whey Protein | Benefits | Best Place to Buy It From

To find out if the consumption of whey protein is convenient or not, a health professional should be consulted who evaluates the requirements and diet that a person follows on a regular basis, and only take the product if this health professional, independent and without compromised interests, assess the utility of its use. The calculation of how much to take is individual and is associated with many factors that need to be studied.

What are the Benefits of Whey Protein

The assimilation of whey protein is relatively easy and its use by our body is quite efficient. This is the main reason why whey proteins may be of interest in processes of protein malnutrition (in places or moments of scarcity or absence of good quality protein foods, or in situations in which needs increase).

Some of the situations in which the extra intake of this protein can be beneficial are:

  • Recovery from diets with severe energy or protein restriction. These situations can be self-imposed or involuntary.
  • Stages of wear and tear and extra growth.
  • Pathologies that occur with the destruction of body tissues and that generate a lot of stress to the person: burns, trauma, grafts, cancer treatments, etc.
  • Recovery from surgery and wound healing

Advantages of Whey Protein for Athletes

In sports practice, one of the main uses of whey protein is related to the ability to repair muscle fibers damaged during exercise and the integration of part of this product to the muscle of the athlete, especially after training or competition. It is used preferably in strength sports, typically anaerobic.

However, a correct protein intake that meets the needs of each individual ensures better health and performance, but must always be associated with the correct and safe intake of other nutrients, and a basic amount of energy in the form of kilocalories. It is the typical example of a poorly planned hypocaloric diet.

What is Whey Protein | Benefits | Best Place to Buy It From

If we excessively reduce the caloric content of a diet in order to achieve a rapid, unphysiological, and long-lasting weight loss, by reducing both the amount of fat and carbohydrate the meals that protein cannot be dedicated to its most characteristic function, the structural one, it will have to be used to obtain energy, which is more urgent and, no matter how much protein we provide, it will not be used to recover or increase muscle mass which, on the contrary, will be significantly reduced.

The effect attributed to whey protein as a possible aid in weight loss is not as miraculous as some texts promise. Its effect is due to the fact that it is a satiating product. And this is true, but not to a greater extent than other proteins that are more or less free of fats andsugars One of the characteristics of proteins is its greater effect of controlling the feeling of hunger compared to other nutrients. Between this, and the myth that taking whey protein, and the more the better, we will lose weight as if by magic, there is a lot of difference.

Contraindications and risks of Whey protein

Taking whey protein supplements can be a resource in specific situations and in recovery ortraining to increase muscle tone, as we explained in section three. However, the consumption of this product is not without some contraindications, which should be known and evaluated, and it will not always be really necessary.

The whey protein contains mainly globular proteins; neither carbohydrates nor fats. For this reason, it can be difficult to find lactose intolerances sensitive to the trace amounts, that is, minimal, that whey protein contains. However, it is a point to take into account in the case of people with very sensitive or virulent intolerances and whose tolerance to lactose is minimal.

What is Whey Protein | Benefits | Best Place to Buy It From

Most allergies to cow's milk protein are caused by casein, which is another protein found in milk but is practically non-existent in whey. But the possibility, both of the presence of casein in whey, and of an allergy to globular proteins, is there, so this risk will have to be closely monitored. Reading the labels, discarding any product where its composition is not clear, and being conservative against unknown brands, are common sense attitudes that can save us more than one dislike.

Tolerance and use of protein consumption by the body has a limit. Once this point is exceeded, the excess protein that has been produced must be eliminated. In addition, proteins have a molecular structure and a fairly high weight, more than the rest of the components of the diet, and therefore the elimination of the organism through the urine requires its dissolution in liquid element, causing great water losses and work extra kidney.

If there are alterations or underlying kidney problems, the taking of protein supplements should be closely monitored. Let yourself be advised by professionals with experience and rigor, and follow their instructions at all times.

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