Family Magazine

Weekly Wrap Up

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Is it seriously Monday already? This picture clearly shows how I am feeling this morning!


I feel like this weekend flew by, but with that said, it was such an awesome weekend filled with so many fun activities that it was worth the exhaustion I feel right now. Now, just remind me I said that tonight when I get home and all I want to do is pass out on the couch!


I have about 15 minutes to get this post done before I spend the rest of the day in meetings so…here is what last week’s workouts looked like!

Week: 10/20-10/26

Monday: I decided it was time to start some speed work again since it’s been a really long time since I’ve done any, so I warmed up for a mile and did then did 400 meter repeats at a 6:59 pace with 400 meter recoveries in the low 9’s for a total of 4 miles.  I finished in 33 minutes for an average pace of 8:15.

Tuesday: My legs felt kind of tired but I wanted to run so I got in a 3 mile progression run. I finished in 25 minutes flat, good for an average 8:20 overall pace. It was a pretty crappy run overall, but I am glad I powered through.  After my run I did some foam rolling and planks before calling it a day.

Wednesday: My favorite spin class in the morning.  There is something I love about the horribly awesome burn of my legs and lungs early in the am from a great spin class. Plus, our instructor is amazing, plays the best music and really cranks it loud, which I LOVE!

Thursday: I did a morning vinyasa yoga class and then had to launch the new Group Power release in the evening. My yoga class was nothing crazy but I was dying in Group Power. I never practice the new releases with weights until I teach them in class, which I always tell myself not to do, but let’s be honest, I just don’t have the time practice with weights. I generally learn the release starting on the Monday of the week I have to launch it and it’s always learned in the car on my commute to and from work.  It’s the best I can do, so I make it work but it’s not ideal–which always leaves my muscles screaming at me when I launch it, but again, its the burn that makes you feel like you are really pushing and challenging yourself that I love!

Friday: Even though my body was a bit fatigued from teaching the night before, I ran 5 miles on the treadmill while watching the Grey’s Anatomy episode from the night before.  I did it in 46 minutes and even though I didn’t enjoy it, averaging a 9:11 pace made me happy since it felt like I was running through mud the entire time!

Saturday: We had soccer in the morning with Ashton then we picked my niece up on the way home so Robyn and I could head to NH to go indoor skydiving (recap coming later this week!).  While it’s not a traditional workout, I am counting it as a workout because it was crazy and you do have to use all your muscles!  After Ashton woke up from his nap, we took him and my niece to the Great Pumpkin Extravaganza at the Ecotarium and then went out for a nice dinner. It was a really fun day and I love spending time with my niece and Ashton adores her, so it was a win/win for all of us!

Sunday: Robyn went hiking with one of his friends so Ashton and I got up, headed about a half hour away to my favorite grocery store and lived it up for about 2 hours!  When we got home, it was lunch time and then we put Ashton down for a nap. I had good intentions of doing a workout video but ended up doing my nails and catching up on Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder–sometimes you just have to relax and do something for yourself so that is just what I did!  When Ash woke up from his nap, we met our friend Danielle and her two little boys at a local Halloween party where Ashton got to dress up in his costume, play games and eat cookies and hot cocoa. It was a fun way to end the weekend and I just love watching these 3 guys together!

ash, cason and rylen

Overall, it was a pretty good week of workouts.  I need to get better about consistency on the weekends, but in all honesty, I’m not going to beat myself up about it.  I work hard all week both in the gym and at work so enjoying the weekends doing special things with my boys will always take precent over a workout.  Guess that means I need to push it a bit harder during the week!


Okay friends, have a great week!


Question of the day

What was the best part of your weekend?

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