Marketing & Advertising Magazine

Udemy Course: The Best Techniques for the Marketing of Course

Posted on the 20 February 2018 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

The report by Udemy shows that the top ten instructors on Udemy earn $218,750 in the sales through the course "How to Develop an iPhone or iPad in 4 weeks. There were many courses available on Udemy but these instructors are standing away from the crowd and earning good amount of money.

It's all possible with marketing strategy and the courses you are providing. Have you ever imagine how she got such a vast numbers of audiences on Udemy. Here in this article, we will be looking at the tricks of successful marketing.

Method for promoting your Udemy course:

1. Get the positive feedback from the friends and family:

After the successful launching of your course, the main and the first step is to get the positive reviews from your course. The best option to do this task is to ask your family and friend to give the positive feedback for your course.

The positive review of your course will set the confidence and the trust. This will result in getting the potential customers from the very starting day of the launching of the course.

2. Get in touch with the audience:

If possible create an email list and get in touch with them after they join your course. This is the best and the top marketing priorities. Before taking any steps further like sending a newsletter, strategies, and campaign for the prospects of the customers.

Udemy Course: The Best Techniques for the Marketing of Course

If you are giving course related to the iOS development, you can simply create the newsletter on the sample code basis, features, and the operating system. In the end, you can add the link to your course. This will give an overview to the subscribers about your course and the probability that he will buy your course after this high.

Aim to educate and sell and try to be informal and simple. The subject line should be effective so that users may click on the link.

3. Promotion of your Course on your blog:

Your blogging platform can be used as the marketing tool for you if you are having any blogs with you. Just go and create a landing page for your blog. The giveaway and the promotional discount on the course to the subscribers will be the best idea to promote it.

You can create many landing pages and trust me you can earn more than $1000 in a year if you are having guts and it also depends on your dedication level.

4. Socialize the course:

The importance of social media cannot be elaborated. If you do not have a huge fan following then social media will help you a lot. Just create the impact by posting the message on all the trending social media platforms like (Facebook, Twitter, Google+).

Just add the image along with the message on Facebook. You can also promote your course on the LinkedIn if the course is related to some professional background.

Udemy Course: The Best Techniques for the Marketing of Course

The use of the forum is very important in this marketing tool. Just post your course on the forum and ask people to review it. The main goal behind these steps is to convert traffic into a customer. The occasional freebies and the provided discount will help in getting the desired traffic and customers.

Also, read:

5. A promotional video on YouTube channel:

The best option is to add the promotional video on YouTube. And at the end of the video, you can just add the link in the video description. The more short and concise video along with the objective of the course will create the huge impact on the viewers.

Udemy Course: The Best Techniques for the Marketing of Course

The most important part is to ensure the viewers that your course is unique and has the good value for money. Keep one thing in mind that there were many options available for the user to choose just tell them you have all the information from A to Z. Just conceive them you will provide the best services and their satisfaction is your first priority.

6. The optimization of the course for the Search Engine:

The ranking of the course is very important and before taking any steps just go and do some research on keywords usage. Optimize your title according to the Google Keyword Planner tool or SEMRUSH. These will help you in getting the right keyword for your course.

Udemy Course: The Best Techniques for the Marketing of Course

Just go and learn the on-page SEO guide to make your landing page search friendly. Pick the best keyword and if possible use any plugin.


If you have followed these steps and performed them carefully then trust me you will be able to earn a sustainable living form the Udemy course. Learn the marketing techniques to promote your course. Share your success stories with your subscribers it will help you in building trust to them. Do share this post on the social media platform and show your love and support.
Udemy Course: The Best Techniques for the Marketing of Course

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