Destinations Magazine

The Story of Love... Do Tell

By Coreyamaro

The Story of Love... Do Tell

Happy Valentine's!!

The series of postcards are called:

"The Petite Brouille"

'The Little Disagreements"

On each card the woman penned a message to her lover, this one says:

"Oh but remember when we are together..."

I guess that means it ain't all bad.

Love has it many turns, flips, cycles, twists and, well... flatlands.

I do not know any couple who can say love is happy all the time.

But as the postcard says,

Remember one another. 

Remember love feed i

What is your love story?

The Story of Love... Do Tell

"Many kisses and more tenderness."

The Story of Love... Do Tell

Tell me a love story, 

your love story,

something of love.

I will pick someone randomly, because certainly each story will be a delight to pick one, so instead I will pick randomly and send that person these postcards.

The Story of Love... Do Tell

"Sure there are disagreements, but making up is worth it."

Boy if that isn't the truth.

The Story of Love... Do Tell

And this one ... I will let you figure it out.

Tell me your love story.

God knows you know mine.

The Story of Love... Do Tell
The Story of Love... Do Tell
The Story of Love... Do Tell
The Story of Love... Do Tell
The Story of Love... Do Tell
The Story of Love... Do Tell

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