Humor Magazine

The Shuffle: One Man’s Journey Through the Bowels of Life

By Katie Hoffman @katienotholmes

I hate to be that girlfriend that goes on her blog and her posts things like, “Look what my boyfriend wrote!” but that’s exactly what I’m doing. I don’t feel that bad about it though, because the story in question is hilarious, profound, and relatable.

Here’s what people are saying about it:

Not since Dickens has someone so vividly captured the absurdity of the human condition” – a guy on the bus
The fuck was That?” – The ghost of Roger Ebert
This story was written” – James Lipton
A man who has to take a shit coming to the realization that HE’S a shit? You just made your first successful film pitch. How do you feel about Jack being black?” – Quentin Tarantino
The author of this intrepid tale is obviously a brave man of consequence, his use of metaphor and prose to establish…wait what? No I’m not talking about ‘The Shuffle’, I was asked to write a blurb about the novel titled ‘The Shuttle’, a thrilling tale of space exploration in the 23rd Century. ‘The Shuffle?’ Never heard of it. Sounds horrible.” – A famous literary critic

If you want my review, “The Shuffle” is a gripping thriller about one man’s journey through the bowels of life. It’s about powerlessness, control, revenge, and catharsis. The protagonist, Jack, is an everyman whom readers will not only relate to, but root for. His adventure is our adventure, and the obstacles he overcomes will move you.

“The Shuffle” also involves needing to poo, which speaks for itself.

You can read “The Shuffle” by clicking that link or visiting:

This is a true short story, which means it’s longer than the typical blog post you’d read, so I recommend visiting the bathroom, getting some popcorn, and pulling up your comfortable chair before reading it. It’s definitely worth a read, and it’s my boyfriend’s first fiction story, so go read it and laugh!

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