Entertainment Magazine

The Prom (2020) Review

Posted on the 19 December 2020 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7
The Prom (2020) Review

A group of self obsessed Broadway stars who are struggling to get another job after a flop production decide to jump on a story about a school Prom being cancelled because a girl wants to take her girlfriend in Indiana. They figure using this to build some positive buzz for themselves.


Dee Dee Allen, Barry Glickman, Angie Dickinson and Trent Oliver are those from Broadway who head to the small town and quickly show that New York City has made them out of touch with small towns now. This does create some amusing moments to show that you really can lose focus on what is going on in different places. They start doing this mainly for themselves but when they actually meet Emma Nolan everything changes and they actually want to help the girl. That change was a very good moment and how they think about their pasts and what they would change.

The musical numbers are catchy and look fantastic on screen, none of the songs being overly memorable but enough to enjoy while you watching. I mean that in a nice way though as I enjoyed them when on but none have really stayed with me after, getting stuck in your head or anything. I mean that is not a bad thing on a first viewing/listen. Really think I should now listen to the soundtrack in all honesty.

With theatres only being open for a couple of months in 2020 and I had not actually attended by the time they closed in March. I have really been missing musicals. So to get a new musical on Netflix was something I had been looking forward to. I always feel that I need to remind everyone of my big love for musicals when reviewing a musical film. I have a soft spot for them and enjoy them so much, even the ones that aren't actually the best.

I really enjoyed The Prom and felt as though it had a lovely mixture which makes a musical fun and watchable. The cast in this one certainly make sure of that and plus my love for Meryl Streep who is just perfect as Dee Dee Allen. It's all over the top and extravagant, with glitz and glamor not forgetting the bright colours throughout. Visually it looks fantastic this is a fast turnaround from stage to screen with The Prom being on Broadway from October 2018 until August 2019.

The story actually has some fantastic points raised for the LGBT community and something that we would hope to not be an issue now. A prom being cancelled because a girl wants to attend with her girlfriend, the songs hit hard and certainly raise these issues in the best possible manner. Having to change the way people in the small town approach this and really it just shouldn't be an issue anymore. Highlights how teenagers still struggle and quite frankly they should just have support!

Performances are decent and as I have already mentioned Meryl Streep who has one of the best entrances going when arriving at the high school. Nicole Kidman was a standout as well, is there any type of role she cannot do? James Corden has had a lot of flack since the film has been released and in all honesty I don't really understand why as I felt this is one of his better performances. I have read that he plays the part the same way it was done on stage so don't understand the issues. Jo Ellen Pellman was fantastic in her first big role and it will be great to see how her career progresses after this one.

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