Community Magazine

Tea Or Coffee?

By Rubytuesday
As well as having disordered eating, I think I may have disordered drinking
Like my food habits, my drinking habits are far from normal
And like my ED, my liquid intake is either too much or not enough
All or nothing
If I am restricting I tend to restrict fluids aswell
Or if I'm going through a bulimic phase, I tend to drink an awful lot
Like my eating I find it hard to strike a balance
I am a self confessed tea addict
The first thing I do every morning (after I weigh myself) is put the kettle on
My breakfast always consists of a big cup of tea and a cigarette
In fact I probably need 2-3 cups of tea before I can function
I don't like coffee and never have
I like the smell of it though and I like the idea of it

I only use Barry's tea
None of your fancy stuff for me thank you very much
Making tea is like a ritual
I boil the kettle
Get my cup ready
One tea bag, 3 sweeteners and a dash of low fat milk
I don't like it too strong or too weak
Somewhere in the middle is just perfect
I like to make my own tea
It's never the same when someone else makes it
I'm afraid to count the number of cups of tea I have in one day
I estimate between 10-15 cups
I love to have a cup of tea with a cigarette
My idea of heaven
Tea or Coffee?
The reason I'm writing about tea is that at the end of this month myself and my mother and my aunt are going for afternoon tea in a posh hotel in Dublin
It's a birthday treat from my sister
I am so looking forward to it
I've always wanted to go for afternoon tea in a spectacular place
The hotel we're going to is The Shelbourne
That's where Michelle Obama and her children stayed when they were here
In case you don't know what afternoon tea is let me explain
It's basically drinking tea and eating miniature sandwiches and cakes
It's really more about the experience
The location
The service
The ambience
It's quite expensive too at 55 euros per person
Now my dilemma is what to wear?
It's summer so I'm thinking a nice tea dress with a little cardigan
I want to look smart but casual so I think a dress will do nicely
I saw a lovely one in town which I think I will get next week
Trying on clothes today was interesting
I saw a lovely pair of trousers but even the smallest size was way too big
I actually felt annoyed at myself for not fitting in to them
When I saw Mary on Tuesday I had lost another kilo
I did buy a lovely oatmeal coloured cardigan though so at least I got something
Do you know what drives me to despair?
The way that different clothes shops having different sizes
For example a size 6 in one shop could be a size 10 in another shop
It's confusing and annoying and the shops should have all their sizes the same
It can't be that difficult an it would save time trying on various different sizes
Tea or Coffee?
Tea or Coffee?
Tea or Coffee?
What about you?
Are you a tea or coffee drinker?
Are you like me and have disordered drinking too?

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