Health Magazine

Simple Remedies for Cracked Heels

By Pshinde2109 @pshinde2109

We always tend to forget beauty of our feet , but if you want to take care of your feet from cracked heels, there are simple remedies for that. We all know how the cracked heels pain and create difficulties in regular walking.

Simple Remedies for Cracked Heels

The main reason for cracked feet is dryness. and many more like dry winds in winters, lack of moisturizing elements and improper care of feet, etc. So, make sure you always moisturize your feet every night before going to bed. Here are some simple remedies that will help treat cracked heels.

Cracked heels can also be caused because of deficiency of vitamins, minerals, zinc and omega3 fatty acids. Hence, make sure that your diet is rich in vitamins, and zinc. Vitamins E-rich foods include vegetable oils, green vegetables, cereals, wheat germ, whole grain products and nuts while calcium-rich foods include milk, cheese, yogurt, cereals and broccoli. Iron sources include meat, chicken, fish cereals, eggs, vegetables and beans. Zinc-rich foods include oysters, chicken, crab, beans, yogurt and brown rice.Lastly,omega-3 fatty acids are found in cold water fish and flaxseed oil or flax seeds.

Simple Remedies for Cracked Heels

1.Always keep you feet clean.

2.Moisturize your feet daily and exfoliate weekly.

3.Avoid walking barefoot.

4.Soak your feet in warm water once a week since this increases blood circulation.

Simple Remedies for Cracked Heels

1. Fruit Mask with Banana or Avocado

Crush ripe bananas to make paste. Apply this paste on the cracks. Leave it for 10 min. Wash off with water. Do this every day.

2.Glycerin-Rosewater Mask for Cracked Heels

Glycerin is one of the best moisturizers that one can imagine. Mixed with rosewater, it can give you a smooth and soft heels without any cracks.

Mix ¼ part of glycerin with ¾ parts of rosewater. Add the fresh 1 tsp. lemon juice to this mixture. Keep it aside. Take the warm water, add salt to it, mix and soak your feet in it. Let the feet be there for 15-20 minutes. Now rub feet with pumice stone to drop off dead skin cells. Pat dry and apply your

glycerin mixture. Do this preferably at night before going to bed.

3.Oil Massage for Cracked Heels

Oils are the best natural moisturizers for your dry feet and for your skin also. You can use any oil like :

*Almond oil; or
*Grape-seed oil; or
*Olive oil; or
*Sesame oil; or
*Coconut oil

Use one or a mixture of these oils (for example- a mixture of almond, grapeseed and olive oil).Wash your feet with warm water at night before going to bed. Massage your heels with any of

the oils or an oil mixture. Wear socks and go to sleep.

4.Natural home remedy using lemon

Cut a lemon into half .Rub the lemon on your feet. Squeeze the lemon and apply the juice while rubbing. Continue rubbing for 5 min. Lightly scrub feet with a loofah or soft brush. Wash feet

with water. Lemon juice is mildly acidic and helps remove dead skin cells.

5.Herbal Neem Remedy for Cracked Heels

Crush a handful of margosa leaves or Neem leaves to make paste. Add 3 tsp. turmeric powder. Mix well . Apply the paste on cracks. Leave it for 30 min. Wash off with water. Dry with a soft cloth. Use this remedy once daily. However, if the conditions of your heels are really bad, do it twice a day.

6.Paraffin Wax and Mustard Oil Treatment

This is an especially good treatment if you have really cracked and painful heels. Take some paraffin wax and mix it with mustard oil or coconut oil. Heat the mixture in a pan till the wax melts

properly. Allow this to cool at room temperature and once it's cool, apply over your feet. To get the best results, apply before going to bed and cover with a pair of socks. Wash off properly in

7.Natural Exfoliate & Oil Treatment

Make this scrub that's great for scrubbing your feet. Take 2-3 tbsps. of ground rice and add a few spoons of honey and apple cider vinegar to make a thick paste. If your heels are extremely dry

and cracked, add a spoon of olive oil or sweet almond oil. Soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes and gently scrub it with this paste to remove dead skin from your feet.

Honey is great to moisturize your feet and has great antibacterial properties. Mix one cup of honey to half a bucket of warm water. Soak your feet for about 15-20 minutes. Scrub off gently for

soft and supple feet.

9.Oatmeal-Jojoba Oil Remedy for Cracked Heels

Oatmeal and jojoba oil mixed together gives moisturizing effect for your heels. Mix jojoba oil with 2 tbsp oatmeal to make a thick paste. Apply this paste to your cracks. Leave for 30 minutes. Wash off and pat dry. Do this everyday until your cracks are gone.

10.Aloe Vera Remedy for Cracked Heels

While aloe Vera is beneficial for overall health, it can also prove useful to heal your cracked feet. Crush the basil 5-6 leaves to get its paste. Mix 1 tsp. turmeric powder into tulsi/basil paste and 1

tsp. Camphor powder with 2 tbsp aloe Vera gel. Mix well and apply on your cracked heels. Leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with Luke warm water.

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