Diaries Magazine

Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved...

By Mle_vnc @Backlist_Books
Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved...
Lin, Katrin and I have a fun topic for you this week - and one we're pretty sure won't be hard for you guys!
Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved... 
Notting Hill
Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved...Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved...The main story was cute, but I just loved the side-story between these two!
Bridget Jones' Diary
Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved...This dance scene is a large part of why.Love Actually
Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved...Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved...Though this dance scene wins.So basically anything with Hugh Grant in it.
I'm having a really hard time with movies, so let's do TV shows, too:
Gilmore Girls
Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved... Honestly? I started watching this after reading a post about the books.
Teen Wolf
Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved... I eventually gave up on this, but I did like it for the first season or two...
The OC
Random Thursday: Movies I Hate to Admit I Loved...
Adam Brody! His character was so sarcastic and funny and geeky. And the friendship between his character and Ryan was just great. The girls... meh. But those two were great.
 I'm sure there are plenty more, but I either have a general high standard for what I watch, or high tolerance for embarrassment. I mean, I'll freely admit I enjoyed the Twilight movies, for god's sake. How 'bout you guys? Got any shamers?

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