Eco-Living Magazine

Power Strip & Healthy Love

Posted on the 12 February 2013 by Goinggoinggreenca @GoingGoingGreen

Gets you HotAll Natural: Pain relief, more energy, better mood, general well-being, headaches gone &…SEX DRIVE!!! Okay, so this last benefit has been a very “hot” topic as more people start to “bear-it-all” about their experiences with the amazing product, FG Xpress Power Strips. Power Strips are more than  a Total Health patch. The results we are receiving daily are truly amazing.

One  woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, writes: “Umm, OK, it must be asked so I’m just gonna ask it: Is sexual arousal a common side effect of using the Power Strips? Holy Moly…..Geez Louise…… Seriously?? lol ;) I wore them for a few days straight. They don’t heat up on me, they diminish my shoulder pain a bit but I don’t feel anything really overt =====> except intense sexual arousal. WTH????????? I had to stop. 2 days without them and I’m back in control of myself, finally.

It doesn’t stop there. More people talk-the-talk. If you would like to see the entire thread, you must first sign up & buy this product, then I can add you to the private group on facebook ;-)  Oh, yeah! There’s more! It’s not just the ladies talking, the men are too. It’s helping with libido, erectile dysfunction, you can simply google search its recorded benefits!

The FG Xpress Power Strips hold powerful Chinese medicine…they balance your Chi…your bodies energy, your flow, your life force.

Here’s another, off “this” topic, from Sue C. that just tugged at my heart’s strings:

Just have to share this testimonial. My Mom who is going on 87yrs, had TB in her spine when she was young. She had to have her spine fused, a technique not very well known back in the 1940′s. She has lived a very active life but this past winter has been brutal and she suffered tremendously from constant back pain. Her skeletal system is very twisted so the pain can be excruciating. I placed a strip on her lower spine where the fusion is. She felt so much heat, tingling, itching it actually kept her awake. Two days later she placed another strip in the middle of her back and felt nothing! She thought it wasn’t working! But today she noticed that she has had no pain in either her lower back or between her shoulders. She is very impressed! Will have to make sure she gets strips from now on!! :)

For a break-down of the natural ingredients & their benefits, please click the pic above to be taken to a team members website. Thank you for the doc & pic, Vince.

Here’s more, 3rd party research done about one of these organic ingredients, Korean Red Ginseng, thanks to this website:

  • Sexual Enhancement: Korean red ginseng, a herb considered an aphrodisiac in some Asian countries, seems to be an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. In some Asian cultures, ginseng has been used traditionally to boost sex enjoyment and sexual stamina,…Scores for erectile function, sexual desire and satisfaction during intercourse were higher when the men were taking ginseng…ginseng enhance libido and copulatory performance…
  • Cancer Patients: strongest effect in the psychological and social well-being domains
  • Cholesterol, and blood lipids: results suggest that lipid lowering effect of ginseng is associated with a decrease in TC, TG, LDL, MDA levels and an increase in HDL. These findings support scientific claims that ginseng has lipid lowering potential.
  • Cognitive functioning: improvements noted in memory and overall cognitive functioning.
  • and much more from that website!

You can also read my previous blogs for more info: “Ginseng Is Best If You Don’t Ingest” & “Natural Energy, Pain Relief, & So Much More!” 

Order OnlineOrder Now by clicking the pic on the left, to go to the website that’s loaded with video’s, more info, & to read what others are saying about this product. For just $4.99, they can be shipped to ANY address on Earth. A single pack of 15 is $60 & a double pack of 30 is $120.

If you would like to try just one, contact me and I can get one in the mail for you. Blessings and have a Green day =)

Pam. Click here to Email Me or P: 780-774-2530  E[email protected] SN:Power Strip & Healthy LovePower Strip & Healthy Love

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