Culture Magazine

Opinion Battles Round 13 Best Film Franchise

By Newguy

opinion battles

Best Franchise

We all know there a plenty of film franchise out there but how many have managed to get over four films and still be worth watching? That is the question of this round picking our favorite film franchise that have four or more films.

For the next round we will be picking who we want to be the next James Bond, if you are interested in joining in email [email protected] by 1st November 2015

Darren – Movie Reviews 101

George A Romero’s Of the Dead Series (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead, Diary of the Dead and Survival of the Dead)

of the dead

When it has come to the zombie genre it has become slightly over saturated with films of the recent years but there is one man who has kept the genre strong and kept up with the times. Night of the Living Dead helped create the genre and with an ending that still gets talked about today it can’t be question it was the birth of a sub-genre. Dawn of the Dead played along the ideas of the American consumer market when it came to the new shopping malls being built and they all acting like zombies heading towards them. Day of the Dead gives us a survivor mentality which is looking for answers with questionable science. Granted the first three are all classics in their own way.

When is comes to Land of the Dead we reach an acceptance level where rich survivors pay for protection while others risk their lives to get everything they want. Diary of the Dead bought us a found footage zombie film which was one of the first to mix the genres. Survival of the Dead is the weak link here but a franchise that has spanned half a century can’t be ignored.

Kim – Tranquil Dreams

Resident Evil franchise

resident evil

Resident Evil may sound like a stupid choice in the midst of all the fantastic franchises out there.  Except, you have to hear me out.  Most franchises have one movie that I just cringe and stops me from doing a marathon.  The Fast and the Furious has Tokyo Drift that I loathe and Halloween has Season of the Witch, even Indiana Jones has Crystal Skull that I hate so much I pretend it doesn’t exist most days. But Resident Evil… its a different story completely.  Even on its bad days, like Apocalypse and Extinction it still held that guilty pleasure factor to it. I can still enjoy it because in no part of this do I ever take the story itself very seriously and the Mila Jovovich isn’t exactly a great actress but her one liners and those zombies and fight scenes just satiate what I need when I do a Resident Evil marathon. For that reason, I love it to absolutely bits and also why its my choice for this Opinion Battles.

Movie Rob

Star Wars Full Saga Episode 1 – 6

star wars

For best franchise It would be so hard for me to pick anything besides the star wars series…With 6 movies already done and numerous others in the immediate work now that Disney has taken the reigns.  I Hope that they will continue in the excellence that was started by George Lucas nearly 40 years ago.  This series has changed the way people look at movies and although other franchises have also impacted the film industry, nothing has yet to outdo what this series has done.

Summer – Serendipitous Anachronisms



The one film franchise that consistently delivers, and my favorite, is the comedy- sci-fi- creature feature series Tremors.

In Tremors, “Graboids” or giant carnivorous, prehistoric, subterranean worms terrorize Perfection, Nevada. The townsfolk fight back for survival. 

I know it sounds terrible in theory but stick with me.

What makes Tremors great is its simplicity. A simple plot and relatively simple effects, yet the filmmakers build massive tension and excitement, sprinkled with tons of laughs. Tremors I-IV sticks to a formula but offers enough variety in each installment keeping each film fresh. With well-written dialogue, excellent timing, and lovable characters (even the insane right-wing survivalist is lovable) you cannot help but enjoy every second of the Tremors series.

Khalid – The Blazing Reel

The Mad Max Series (1979-2015)


Choosing the best movie franchise with four or more films was a no-brainer for me, really. Because there simply isn’t a film franchise that’s managed to not just stay good for so long but one that’s managed to get better and better. My choice is none other that the Mad Max series. It is this series that gave us one of the most intriguing and ‘cool’ depictions of a post-apocalyptic world, gave us easily one of the most memorable and badass characters to ever take the screen and let’s not forget, gave Mel Gibson a career. 

Now I know that Beyond Thunderdome is a weak link but it’s exactly terrible and Fury Road not only makes up for it but proves that a franchise can in fact be resurrected, even after thirty years, if it is in the capable hands of someone like George Miller.


Star Wars

star wars

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been immersed in the Star Wars films.  I blame my dad really.  But honestly, what isn’t to love about these films?  They tell a great story about good vs. evil, light vs. dark, and that no one is so far lost they can’t be saved.  Sure, the acting in A New Hope can be cheesy at times, but for many of the actors, it was their first big film.  Besides, the sense of adventure and pure epicness of the film more than makes up for it.  Then came The Empire Strikes Back (which many argue is the best sequel ever) and Return of the Jedi (my personal favorite of the series) to expand the universe and make the series even better.  Unlike most, I don’t mind the Prequel Trilogy. Could they have been better? Most certainly.  However, they expand on the Jedi order, the Sith, many of the characters from the Original Trilogy, and give us many (many) lightsaber duels and other fantastic action pieces.

Let’s not forget how impactful the Original Trilogy was for cinema.  It single-handedly revolutionized special effects, as well as story telling in science fiction films.  What’s that? You like Pixar films, too? Well you have George Lucas to thank for that as well.  Although the series has had its ups and downs, no one can deny that the Star Wars Saga has affected many generations since 1977.  With The Force Awakens releasing in less than two months, it stands to bring yet another generation into the fold with new characters and new adventures for them to experience.  Few series have the kind of longevity and influence Star Wars has experienced.  May the Force be with you.

That Other Critic

The Marvel Cinematic Universe


*ahem* Now, there are quite a large amount of long-running franchises in cinematic history, most, when they go to 4 or beyond, become rather, well, bollocks. Most horror franchises have maybe 2-3 genuinely good films, the Die Hard series died hard after 3, Lethal Weapon really only had 2 great films, etc. But, what if I told you that there is a film franchise that is still running, with 12 films currently released, a few TV shows, and several shorts? That franchise is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Starting back in 2008, this series used C-list superheroes whose film rights were left at Marvel after what I like to call The Great Marvel Plundering, when Marvel Comics sold off the film rights to most of its characters when it went bankrupt. This left the X-Men, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Ghost Rider, and The Punisher at Fox, and Spider-Man at Sony, eventually. It’s a long story. The heads over at Marvel Studios had only a few options left, and none of them particularly appealing, as none the characters left had been popular in years. But, the core members of the Avengers were left, and the great inspiration of our time struck Kevin Feige. He (and others at Marvel) created a cultural phenomenon, the defining blockbuster model of our time, what will be studied by film historians in the future: The Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Prior to this, large, shared, continuity-driven universes were considered to be a poor business model, how would you convince Johnny Average to get in line at the theater for a film in a long-running franchise where the films have different titles, how would you make it clear to the audience what films were a part of your franchise and which weren’t, when the Marvel brand was on other films as well? Was it even possible? In an age before the Internet, no, no it wasn’t. But, thanks to new technology, this model was accomplished, and accomplished with aplomb. The first Phase of the MCU kicked off with Iron Man, an entertaining, fun, sci-fi superhero comedy to offset the grim realism of The Dark Knight, released that same year. If this film had failed, that would’ve been it. No Avengers, no Guardians of the Galaxy, no Winter Soldier. And, don’t be mistaken, it could easily have failed, Iron Man was a character that practically nobody had heard of, and those who had heard of him would hardly call him a favorite. He was an alcoholic, sad, boring man. But Robert Downey Jr.’s charm and Jon Favreau’s comic sensibilities redefined the character and made him into a lovable scumbag. Over the years, the franchise rarely stumbled, offering occasional mediocre entries (The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2/3, Thor: The Dark World), but failing to ever give a truly poor film. They’re all well-made, entertaining popcorn flicks, with some of the best special effects of the era. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see where this crazy franchise turns next.

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