Health Magazine

My Story of Menopause and the Fifty Decade

Posted on the 10 July 2015 by Lynettesheppard @LynetteSheppard


I loved guest writer Inge’s personal menopause story and her inspiring work, culminating in – wait for it – Menopause Retreats in Thailand. I hope you enjoy this post as much as I did. And hey, maybe we will see each other in Thailand.

My Story of Menopause and the Fifty Decade
By Inge Sarathulsingh

My earliest memory of anything to do with menopause was my mom having a hysterectomy in her early 40’s. She must have experienced menopausal symptoms. But nothing, absolutely nothing was talked about, how she was feeling, how it made her feel having had the hysterectomy, what symptoms she was  experiencing and how she was coping. It seemed like a very taboo subject.

My next memory of menopausal women goes back to 1967. I was 14 years old and I was working as a receptionist for a GP. He generally put menopausal women on Vallium, it was just too much for the poor husbands to deal with such neurotic behaviour, so he would say.

Later in my twenties I trained as a physio therapist and worked in Germany’s largest rehabilitation center.  Again, I got to work with many menopausal 50+ women and again, I was surprised by the amount of stress or emotional pain, they were going through. Later on, I worked in private practice, but the experience was the same:  middle aged women, menopausal and struggling to keep things together.
There was no support for menopausal women whatsoever, on top of what they were going through they were labelled being neurotic. I have no idea how they managed to cope. Still to this day I deeply feel for the women and the incredible struggle they were – and still are going through – completely on their own.

Life continued on, I immigrated to Australia. I also got married and had children, got divorced and I did what we all do, I looked after the family, gave up on my own desires for the best of the family, I served my darling children, I was there for them every step, I cooked and I washed,  just like we women do.

Since I had no recognition of my German physio in Australia, I had re-trained as acupuncturist, thinking acupuncture is more holistic and I could address any symptoms on a deeper level. But I learned soon that wasn’t the case. I was able to help people with their symptoms and make them  feel calmer, but I wasn’t able to address and release the emotional pain that is causing the physical symptoms. Because in the end our physical symptoms are just a message that there is something going on in our hearts, something is hurting us and we need to find out what it is in order to release our symptoms.

Having dealt with so many clients in different professions that is the main point I have come to understand:   It’s the unresolved emotional issues that cause our physical symptoms. Menopausal symptoms are no exception.  Dr. Christine Northrup talks about it in her book:  “The Wisdom of Menopause”.  Dr. Northrup is saying that your body is giving you messages in form of symptoms, if you ignore the messages, your body will intensify the symptoms!  Louise Hay also talks about it in her book: “You Can Heal Your Life”.

But it wasn’t until I hit the fifties that I experienced for myself this extensive emotional distress. Oh my goodness, it was so intense, so incredibly intense. I didn’t experience many menopausal symptoms, but that internal pressure – which is caused by the incredible raise of the reproductive hormones FSH, LH and GnRH.  According to Dr. Christine Northrup author of: “The Wisdom of Menopause”  These hormones surge to their new highest levels ever  and stay that way to drive the changes taking place in the midlife woman’s brain.”

She says that scientific evidence is mounting that the reproductive hormones are driving the changes in our brains.  These changes in our brains give us the drive to go for our needs, go for what we want,  after years and years of service to the family. This drive can be very strong, suppressing it and not following it will eventually lead to physical symptoms. Menopausal symptoms are one of the symptoms that are coming up, cancer, heart problems, digestive problems often arise as well.

For me, the fifties were a very difficult time. It  seemed like all my past experiences were being brought to my attention. I had lots of healing sessions and I searched for a technique or tool that would help to release EMOTIONS, my emotions. I have observed menopausal women struggling for so long,  first my mum, than as a doctor’s receptionist, then as physio,  and lastly as an acupuncturist and now it was my turn –  I was experiencing the intensity first hand!  And I did not like it one bit!

That’s when I found EFT, Emotional Freedom Tapping. I felt the immediate relief after the sessions.  I trained in EFT and I treated friends and clients. I was absolutely impressed how amazing this gently tapping on acupuncture points in the face and on the upper body just releases the issues!  It certainly made the last few years of my fifties so much easier!  And everybody I worked on felt that incredible relief too.

Finally after years and years of searching I found my tool for helping women to release their emotional pain, release all the stored up emotions, the guilt, the shame, release all the physical symptoms AND the menopausal symptoms. I cannot describe in words how much that meant to me and still does. I have watched women suffer for as long as I can think and finally I found a way to help – OMG, talking about being over the moon? Talking about having found my life’s purpose – YES, I have finally found it! I cannot help my mom anymore, as she has moved on, but I can help so many other women!

Over the last few years I have become very experienced in helping women to release their emotional distress, as well as their menopausal symptoms or any other physical symptoms! I absolutely enjoy working with the women and we are having a lot of fun together.  I feel honoured to be sharing this journey with them.
Having talked with so many menopausal  and 50+ women I realised, besides the hot flashes, the night sweats, the broken sleep or whatever symptom they might be experiencing there is one point most of the woman are talking about: the incredible isolation they are feeling.

I had the tools, I had the expertise – there was nothing to stop me from creating a wonderful solution for this problem. In fact it’s been something I had been talking about for many years, so I finally went out and created it. May I present my 4 day

Menopause & Stress Relief Retreat in Thailand
Menopause Sisters in Retreat

Just  for a moment –  imagine – you are on a beautiful exotic and tropical island, the food is divine, the people are friendly with big smiles and willing to pamper you, all meals are served, you are with a group of like-minded women, your sisters,  sharing your meals,  spending your days talking about yourself and your issues, your symptoms and your problems.  Learning how to identify and release your symptoms and issues.

Together we cry, we laugh and we hug and we love, ourselves and everybody around us!

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You are having fun! You are releasing your emotional  issues, you are re-connecting  with yourself, you are reclaiming yourself. You are enjoying the love and the support, the deep connections you are making and the tools you are learning.

In between there is plenty of time for some well deserved relaxation.

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And of course some fun in the sun !

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And some more fun.

cooking class

And some time for reflection.

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If you are menopausal and you are struggling with  menopausal symptoms and/or stress in your life, PLEASE do not try and be superwoman and do it all on your own. Superwoman does not exist and you don’t have to try and be one! I would love to support you through this challenging time.

For more info about my retreat, please go to The next retreat is schedule for the 21/9/15 – 25/9/15.

For more info about my private coaching programs please go to

To book a free session with me:
or just email me: [email protected]
Have a joyful day ☺!

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