Health Magazine

Leaner and Healthier This Summer

By Texicanwife @texicanwife
You Can Achieve A Leaner, Healthier Body This Summer
Leaner and Healthier This Summer

It's Easier Than You Think!
Lady On Scale
Follow These Basic Nutritional Guidelines To Support Efficient,
Safe and Effective Fat Metabolism
1. Eat Fatty Fish As Often As Possible...
Omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil are
known to promote fat loss. Examples of oily
fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acids include:
salmon, halibut, trout, mackerel, as well as sardines, herring and anchovies. Fish-oil supplements containing Omega-3 fatty acids
are also highly beneficial.
For the impressive fat-burning results,
take 1000 mg to 2000 mg of Omega-3
fish oil supplements at each meal...
breakfast, lunch and dinner.
2. Eat Whole Grains For
Your Carb Intake...
When you want to consume carbohydrates,
be sure to choose slow-digesting whole grains including: brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread to keep insulin levels low and at steady levels; The objective is to prevent insulin spikes from stopping fat burning (metabolism) and preventing increased fat storage.
A study conducted by researcher scientists at Pennsylvania State University found that men
or women following a low-calorie diet with carbohydrates coming only from whole grains
lost significantly more abdominal fat than those following a low-calorie diet with carbohydrates from typical refined sources.
3. Eat Beneficial Fruits,
Especially Grapefruit...
A study from the Scripps Clinic (San Diego) reported that men who ate fresh grapefruit or drank at least 8 ounces of grapefruit juice three times a day lost an average of 4 pounds in only
three months, even without changing their diet.
Grapefruit's ability to lower insulin levels,
thus limiting fat storage is highly beneficial in
the battle of the bulge. Experts suggest regularly including fresh grapefruit or pure-squeezed grapefruit juice to your dietary regimen.
4. Eggs Are Highly Beneficial Too... Eggs are packed with high-quality protein
and have been shown to promote muscle
strength and mass. Research shows that people consuming eggs for breakfast actually eat
fewer calories throughout the day, while
also losing significantly more body fat.
Eat eggs for breakfast daily, either scrambling
three whole eggs or three or more egg whites, using olive oil instead of butter.
5. Eat Specific Fats... Certain fats (especially Omega-3s, Omega 6's)
do not lead to fat gain and can actually help
promote efficient fat loss.
Keep fat intake at 30% of total daily calories
by choosing healthy fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, cod or trout, as well as other healthy
fat sources such as olive oil, peanut butter,
almonds and walnuts.
Although it appears contradictory, eating
specific fat to lose fat is one of the keys
to long-term success. You can actually
improve fat loss when compared with
people following a low-fat diet.
6. Dairy and Milk Are Beneficial
In The Right Amounts Too...
Dairy products are rich sources of calcium,
which can help stimulate fat loss, especially around the crucial abdominal areas.
This natural fat-reducing effect is believed
to be due to the fact that calcium regulates
the hormone calcitriol. Since calcitrol
causes the body to produce fat and inhibit
fat burning, it's essential to minimize its actions.
When calcium levels are adequate, calcitriol
and fat production are suppressed while fat metabolism is enhanced. Including low-fat
cottage cheese, low-fat milk and plain yogurt
to your diet are deliciously satisfying ways to increase healthy protein intake and assist fat loss.
7. High Protein Intake Also
Improves Fat Loss...
A high-protein diet not only promotes
muscle growth (hypertrophy) but also
enhances your desired fat loss. Research
scientists at Skidmore College found that
men who regularly followed a sensible
high-protein diet of legumes, fish and poultry
(40% of total daily calories from protein)
for eight weeks lost more body fat than
those following a low-fat, high-carb diet.
One reason nutrition researchers believe consuming more protein works so well is
because it boosts the body's own peptide YY levels, a naturally-occurring hormone that
has the ability to decrease hunger pangs.
8. Increase Whey Protein For Achieving Lean Muscle... Consuming whey protein as a between meal
snack is a great way to enhance lean muscle
growth and also boost fat loss. U.K. researchers found that when subjects consumed whey
protein (as a supplement or shake) 90 minutes
before eating a buffet-style meal, they ate significantly less food than when they
consumed a casein protein shake
before approaching the buffet.
Researchers reported that this beneficial
effect was due to whey protein's unique ability
to boost levels of the hunger diminishing
hormones known as cholecystokinin
and glucagonlike peptide-1.
9. Soy Protein Is Also Beneficial
To Fighting Fat...
Soy protein is a proven fat burner. In fact, a University of Alabama study found that men drinking 20 grams of soy protein daily for three months lost a significant amount of abdominal fat.
The beneficial effect of soy is believed to be due
to it's ability to decrease hunger levels and help
keep those "tempting" hunger pangs in check..
10. Choose Organic Foods
Whenever You Can...
Many nutritional healthcare and dietary experts believe organic vegetables, fruit, beef, poultry
and dairy are worth the extra cost. U.K. research shows that organic milk contains nearly 70%
more omega-3 fatty acids than regular milk;
A study published in the Journal of Dairy Science found that grass-fed cows produced milk containing 500% more conjugated linoleic
acid (CLA) than cows who ate grain.
It's well-established that omega-3s and CLA
can both assist fat loss as well as helping to
gain muscle. It makes good health sense to
choose organic cheese, cottage cheese, milk,
and yogurt as well as organic poultry and
grass-fed beef whenever possible.
11. Include An Apple (or more)
Every Day...
Apples are a satisfying, slow-digesting carbohydrate source with naturally-occurring, protective antioxidants. Apple-derived compounds (known as apple polyphenols)
have been found to promote muscle strength, endurance and critical fat loss around the abs.
Apple polyphenols improve the body's own
ability to burn fat while limiting fat production
and storage. The boost in endurance and
strength is very beneficial as well, enabling
longer and more effective physical training
with improved performance.
An apple typically provides about 200 mg
of apple polyphenols along with about
30 grams of energy-boosting carbohydrates.
12. Certain Nuts Are Beneficial Too... A study from Loma Linda University, California reported that people following a low-calorie, higher-fat diet (40% of total calories from fat)
with the majority of fat coming from almonds,
lost significantly more body fat and abdominal
fat in a 24 week period than those consuming
the same amount of calories, but with more carbohydrates and less fat.
Go Nuts! Be sure to include healthy nuts
as almonds, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts,
and walnuts in your regular diet.
13. Green Tea Is Especially Valuable... Epigal-locatechin gallate (EGCG) a natural ingredient in green tea inhibits the enzyme
that normally breaks down the neuro-hormone known as norepinephrine. Norepinephrine
helps keep the metabolic rate elevated;
That's why preventing its breakdown helps
burn more calories throughout the day.
Drinking green tea is a healthy way to keep properly hydrated during workouts. According
to a new study in the Journal of Nutrition,
people drinking green tea while exercising
lost significantly more abdominal fat than
those drinking other beverages.
14. Boost Green Tea's EGCG Levels with Green Tea Extract Supplements... The majority of studies demonstrating the effectiveness of green tea for fat loss have used green tea extract. One study confirmed that
the EGCG from the extract was absorbed
better than the EGCG from the tea.
Consider taking green tea extract supplements
in the morning and afternoon before meals.
15. Get Energized With Caffeine
And Green Tea Beverages...
Some energy-type drinks have been shown to
boost fat loss. Recently, University of Oklahoma researchers reported that when 60 male and
female subjects consumed a diet energy drink containing 200mg of caffeine and 250mg of
EGCG from green tea extract for 28 days, they
lost more than a pound of body fat, even
without changing their diets or exercise habits.
Combined with proper daily exercise and
these fat-metabolizing dietary recommendations,
the results will be even better!
16. Black Tea Is Beneficial Too... Green, oolong, and black teas all come from
the same plant, but different processing causes black and oolong teas to lose their green color
and turn either brown or black.
Oolong tea has been shown to enhance metabolic rate due to its high level of polyphenols as well as EGCG. Black tea is also a beneficial aid to fat loss; Researchers from University College London found that drinking black tea regularly can reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that encourages fat storage particularly around the midsection.
17. You Can Also Boost Metabolic Rate
By Drinking Cold Water...
Researchers in Germany have shown that
drinking about 2 glasses of cold water can temporarily boost metabolic rate by about 30%.
This beneficial effect appears to be primarily
due to an increase in norepinephrine in the
body, stimulated by regular intake of cold
water. Healthcare experts often advise people
to drink a large glass of cold water upon waking
in the morning, because it gets your metabolism
shifting out of the restful "slumber" state it's
been locked into overnight.
18. Stay Away From Artificial Sweeteners... Although artificially sweetened drinks are
calorie free, drinking too many can actually
hinder fat loss. Popular beverages such as diet soda contain chemicals and artificial sweeteners which interfere with the brain's ability to regulate calorie intake. The result causes a person to feel hungrier than normal, and ultimately eating
more total calories.
Continued research suggests that the sweet taste
of these drinks can increase the release of insulin, which can hinder fat burning and increase fat storage. Do your body and mind a big favor... Drink unsweetened beverages.
19. Add Some Avocados To
Regular Diet Too... Avocados are naturally-rich with healthier monounsaturated fat, which isn't usually stored
as body fat. They also contain a key compound called mannoheptulose, a sugar that curbs
insulin release and enhances calcium absorption.
Keeping insulin low and getting plenty of
calcium is critical for encouraging fat loss.
By simply adding a quarter or a half of an
avocado to salads and sandwiches, the body's
fat metabolism efficiency is greatly improved.
20. Crank Up Calorie Burning
With Healthy Chili Peppers...

Hot peppers contain the active ingredient capsaicin; This naturally-occurring chemical
from peppers has been shown to promote
calorie burning at rest, as well as helping to
reduce hunger and food intake.
Its effects are even more effective when
combined with caffeine. Research shows that
the capsicasin and caffeine can significantly
boost fat burning during exercise.
Try adding crushed red pepper, tasty chili peppers or hot pepper sauce to meals to
burn off extra calories and fat.
Botanically, most cultivated peppers today
are Capsicum annuum (most common),
also "C. frutescens" (tabasco), "C. chinense"
(habanero) or a combination of different species.
If you difficulty eating the heat-generating peppers, consider taking a Cayenne supplement that contains capsaicin instead.

Start This Fat-Burning Dietary Regimen Today and You'll Be
Pleased With The Results In Just A Few Months!
This article is for informational and educational
purposes only; It is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor or
healthcare professional.

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