Celeb Magazine

Jay-Z Kinda Talked About Kanye, ‘Yonce, And His Cheating Ways

Posted on the 29 November 2017 by Sumithardia

Jay-Z Kinda Talked About Kanye, ‘Yonce, And His Cheating Ways
Jay-Z Kinda Talked About Kanye, ‘Yonce, And His Cheating Ways

2015 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

For a while, it seemed like Jay-Z, Beyoncé, and Kanye West were in America’s most high-profile throuple, but that shit all came crashing down after people used Tidal about as much as they use a cassette player. Kanye has certainly talked…and talked…about his side of the story, and now Jay gets to tell his.

Hova sat down with Dean Baquet of The New York Times for one helluva interview, ranging from being black in the Trump era to his mom coming out as gay. Jay just got a shit ton of Grammy nominations, so it’s a good little piece of campaigning for him and a good piece of kinda tea for us. I never expected Kanye to get a call from the House of Dereon-Knowles-Carter ever again after he talked about Bey and Jay and even Blue Ivy in a concert, but Jay (via the New York Daily News) said they keep communication lines open:

“(I talked to) Kanye the other day, just to tell him, like, he’s my brother. I love Kanye. I do. It’s a complicated relationship with us… Hopefully when we’re 89 we look at this six months or whatever time and we laugh at that. You know what I’m saying? There’s gonna be complications in the relationship that we have to get through. And the only way to get through that is we sit down and have a dialog and say, ‘These are the things that I’m uncomfortable with. These are the things that are unacceptable to me. This is what I feel.’ I’m sure he feels that I’ve done things to him as well.”

I’m sure that’s a very easy conversation to have with Mr. Kanye Kardashian since he’s so laid back. Especially since (in my head) what’s “unacceptable” to ‘Yonce is bringing over that chipmunk-voiced wife who does reality TV. There is only room for one camera whore in their clique! As for what stoked the dramz, Jay kinda alludes to it without really giving any dirt:

“(West is) a very compassionate person. And a lot of times he gets in trouble trying to help others. So I can identify with it. It’s just that there’s certain things that happened that’s not really acceptable to me.”

Ooo! I mean, again…you could argue his marriage to Kim is what keeps that family relevant (and “worthy” of $150 million contracts), so, again, Jayoncé hates Kiiiim! Jayoncé hates Kiiiiim! Fine, I’ll stop. Jay even dished on what it’s like having his rumored infidelity on Beyoncé play out in his-and-her albums. Most people think it’s fucked enough to have his-and-her passive aggressive social media posts, but albums seem extreme and painful, no? Naw, dog, Jay thinks there’s some beauty in it:

“Of course. And both very, very uncomfortable, but … the best place in the, you know, hurricane is like in the middle of it… the best place is right in the middle of the pain.”

Translation: Bey had to go to the recording studio in the middle of the pain, which was great for Jay because it was a momentary break in her chasing his cheating ass with whatever free shit had been sent to their palace that day. Enjoy it while it lasts, Jay! Apparently the duo is still planning on a joint album, which will likely be entitled Don’t Even Think About Releasing An Album This Year, Adele.

Pic: Wenn.com

Source: Jay-Z Kinda Talked About Kanye, ‘Yonce, And His Cheating Ways

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