Family Magazine

I’m Back…and Happy National Running Day!

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Howdy friends!! I am happy to say I am back in Boston this morning after a successful, but exhausting trip to Chicago.  I got in late yesterday afternoon, went directly to pick up Ashton at daycare and spent the night pretty much giving in to all his requests..what can I say, I am soft when it comes to him!  He asked for ice cream and to play on the rocket, so that is exactly what we did.

ash icecream

He kept taking a bite, looking at me, smiling and saying “Mama, I like!”  MELT. MY. HEART.   I was just SO happy to see him and I did everything I could to keep a smile on his face.   By 7:45 p.m. it was bedtime (for Ash) and I totally crashed after putting him to be.  Robyn and I curled up on the couch and watched Delivery Man with Vince Vaugh (it was okay) and called it a night.

I woke up this morning still really tired, but I had committed to start my day off celebrating National Running Day and that is exactly what I did.  I’ve also linked up with Cori at Olive To Run to celebrate one of the best days of the year :)  I got in a great 3 mile run in 25 minutes flat and felt really, really good.  It’s amazing how you can start a workout not being totally mentally into it and while you are doing it, something just clicks and everything comes together perfectly and you feel on top of the world afterwards.

i run

Many of you run and we all have our stories as to why we lace up our shoes and run…so, in honor of National Running Day, tell me below why do YOU run?


Question of the day

Did you run today?  Why do YOU run?

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