Diet & Weight Magazine

I Love Where I Am – Tamika 2 Years After Gastric Sleeve

By Beliteweight @BeLiteWeight
    I love where I am – Tamika 2 Years After Gastric Sleeve

Team BeLite is successful again bringing joy and happiness to our next featured patient Tamika! Two years later she is happy with her results and proudly talks about her weight. Here are her words:

My two year surgiversary is approaching on the 27th! I am excited as this journey has been very amazing! I have lost 140 pounds! I fluctuate now between 182-185. I love where I am! Starting at 322.

Embarking on a journey is never easy but today you can take that decision and call us. Just like for Tamika, BeLiteWeight is available to help your weight loss needs too.

For more information about Gastric Weight Loss Surgery and other weight loss surgical questions, please call BeLiteWeight today at 1-800-215-6497! This entry was posted in Bariatric Surgery, Gastric Bypass, Gastric Sleeve Plication, Gastric Sleeve Surgery, General, Health, mini gastric bypass, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Success Stories, Weight Loss Surgery and tagged gastric sleeve, Gastric Sleeve Surgery, Gastric Sleeve Testimonials by Jamie Eberle. Bookmark the permalink.
I love where I am – Tamika 2 Years After Gastric Sleeve

About Jamie Eberle

Jamie Eberle is the Chief Financial Officer of BeLiteWeight. BeLiteWeight has helped over 7,000 patients have safe, affordable and successful weight loss surgery over the past eight years. Jamie has had bariatric surgery and knows the ins and outs of the different procedures, including: gastric sleeve surgery, gastric sleeve plication, vertical sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery, and other bariatric surgery procedures. BeLiteWeight focuses on each patient's needs to help them choose the right procedure and get started on the path to a healthier life.

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