Diet & Weight Magazine

How To Fight The Craving For Sweets

By Beliteweight @BeLiteWeight

How To Fight The Craving For Sweets

Cravings for sweets can come at any time. Usually the symptom is a simple drop in blood glucose levels, however if the sudden craving for a sweet snack appears too frequently it could be a sign of sugar addiction leading to serious metabolic diseases. Today we're going to share with you some clever tricks how to naturally reduce your craving for sweet snacks.

    One of the most important rules is to drink water REGULARLY. Make sure to have the right amount of it in your diet. Water will help your body regulate the hunger and satisfaction center in the brain.
    Learn to use healthy substitutes. Once in a while, a piece of dark chocolate or dried figs instead of a milkshake or fruit cake will certainly not hurt you. Consumed once in a while, natural delights will satisfy your sweet desire. In addition. Those snacks are not full of empty calories. A square of dark chocolate is rich in magnesium, potassium and iron.
    Wash your teeth... that's right you read this right 😉 It really helps. However crazy it sounds, a fresh mouth makes us not want to destroy the feeling, so ... we do not eat as much with fresh breath.
    Carefully read the labels of the products you buy. Sugar is also added in various hidden forms. Sucrose, fructose, sodium glutamate are also enemies of our healthy diet. Also, be careful with xylitol, mannitol and erythritol, which are healthy sugar substitutes. We advise you to reach for pure natural monk fruit - considered to be the healthiest alternative.
    Start using a simple trick - if you want a sweet cookie or a candy bar, first reach for water and a vegetable like carrots and celery.
    The scent of vanilla also suppresses the feeling of hunger. If you don't like its taste in food, buy vanilla oil and spray it over in your home.
    If you are a coffee fan, we have good news for you. A cup of coffee will surely help you when you suddenly feel like something sweet.
    Do not keep sweets within vision. Keep them hidden or take them out of the house at all.
    Finally: Don't give up.
    It may seem impossible to cut sugar, but as time goes on your taste buds will adapt to this new eating style.
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